July 5, 2007 8:24 AM

How much is enough? How long is long enough?

Bush Asks for Patience on Iraq

MARTINSBURG, W.Va. (AP) — President Bush defended his Iraq war policy in a patriotic Fourth of July talk, saying that while he honors the sacrifice of U.S. troops, now is not the time to bring them home. Bush said victory in Iraq will require ”more patience, more courage and more sacrifice.”…. ”If we were to quit Iraq before the job is done, the terrorists we are fighting would not declare victory and lay down their arms. They would follow us here,” Bush said at the West Virginia Air National Guard.

Four years later, and we’re being asked to swallow the same fear-mongering propaganda. If we’re to leave Iraq now, we’re told, angry swarthy men who hate us for our freedoms and our beach volleyball goddesses will follow our troops home and attack us right here in River City. Oh, the horror!! Oh, the humanity!! Can ANYONE save us from the bearded Islamofascists and their single-minded, murderous fanaticism?


Of course, there is one very important fact that Our Glorious and Benevolent Leader © manages to conveniently ignore while he’s reciting his well-rehearsed propaganda talking points. There WAS NO TERRORIST THREAT IN IRAQ UNTIL THE AMERICAN INVASION. Now that the American occupation is into it’s fifth year, we’re still being fed the tried, shop-worn, demonstrably false propaganda that was used to purchase this war in the beginning.

As if this wasn’t already enough pandering, The Worst President EVER © then had the gall to compare the war in Iraq to the American Revolution. Sorry, y’all but I feel dirty even mentioning The Decider © and the Founding Fathers in the same sentence.

“More sacrifice” is merely code for “more young American fed into the meat-grinder that is Iraq”. Yes, America, “victory” in Iraq-whatever the Hell that means- will require that more of our sons and daughters will die before their time, never to grow old gracefully as they raise their own children to maturity.

Isn’t it about time that we put an end to this murderous nightmare? Did we learn nothing from our Vietnam experience?

The war, in its fifth year, has claimed the lives of more than 3,580 U.S. military men and women. The offensive in Baghdad and areas to the north and south has boosted American casualties, although the number of bombings and shootings has fallen in the city in recent days.

”It’s a tough fight, but I wouldn’t have asked those troops to go into harm’s way if the fight was not essential to the security of the United States of America,” Bush said during a half-hour speech that echoed off the walls of a cavernous aircraft maintenance hangar.

Yes, it’s a tough fight, made moreso by the ineptitude and lack of planning and foresight that has been the hallmark of the war in Iraq. American lives have been sacrificed for a war that in military and political terms continues to circle the drain (and doesn’t this President profess to believe in the sanctity of life??). Though the comparison may in some ways be overly simplistic and not altogether accurate, Iraq really has become this generation’s Vietnam. This nation, and this President, are so inextricably tangled in an unwinnable conflict that all options lead to the same place: ignominy, defeat, and loss of face.


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