January 9, 2008 6:03 AM

The Paultards are not going to like this one...nope, not one little bit....

Paul’s Old Newsletters Filled With Bigotry And Conspiracy Theories

Shocking Ron Paul Letters: MLK A Gay Pedophile, Anti-Israel Theories

Beginning in 1978, Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-TX) name graced newsletters that were released on a seemingly monthly basis: Ron Paul’s Freedom Report, Ron Paul Political Report, The Ron Paul Survival Report. “The Freedom Report’s online archives only go back to 1999,” but The New Republic’s Jamie Kirchick recently tracked down physical copies of many of the pre-1999 reports. According to Kirchick, they’re peppered with a “decades worth of obsession with conspiracies, sympathy for the right-wing militia movement, and deeply held bigotry against blacks, Jews, and gays.”

Gee, what a shock, eh? Ron Paul is not only an unreconstructed nutjob, he also has a history of bigotry and other less than savory beliefs. The problem here is that the Ron Paul most people think they’re supporting isn’t the actual Ron Paul. Yes, some of Paul’s current positions might seem appealing, but when you look at the historical record (bigotry, conspiracy theories, hatred of blacks, Jews, and gays, etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum)…well, it’s just not a very pretty picture.

I have more than a passing familiarity with the district Paul represents, and unfortunately his brand of wingnuttery plays well in places like Brazoria and Lake Jackson, TX, where distrust of government and hatred of anything and anyone “different” runs deep. His district is not a place that welcomes urban Liberals (or any Liberals, for that matter) with open hearts and open minds. In that sense, Ron Paul is a reflection of the district he represents.

I know there are TPRS readers who are going to take exception at this jeremiad against Paul, but I’m tired of so many acting as if he’s some harbinger of revolution. A lot of intelligent, erudite, and well-meaning people have managed to delude themselves into thinking that Ron Paul represents something new and different. Somehow, they’ve managed to ignore (if they even bothered to do any due diligence) the unsavory reality of Ron Paul. This is a man that so many think should be President? Sure, if you want his Cabinet wearing white hoods and burning crosses on the White House lawn….

OK. I should probably go into hiding right about now. After what a group of rabid Paultards did to Sean Hannity, one probably shouldn’t take too many chances.

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