April 30, 2010 6:32 AM

If these folks are driving the bus, it's time to get off


(apologies to Keith Olbermann)

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA)

Don Redman

Tom Tancredo

Dr. Pat Bertroche

The Oklahoma Legislature

The Arizona Legislature

Man, I almost don’t know where to start. I realize (and value) that American is a diverse country with as many opinions as their are people. This diversity, and the attendant discord and disagreement, is actually one of the qualities that makes this country what it is. Disagreement is messy, and loud, and not always pretty…but it doesn’t have to be stupid. Sadly, public discourse has degraded recently into something redolent of Idiocracy, where some people will say anything (no matter how inflammatory or brain-dead) they think will garner attention. What’s even sadder and more depressing is that there are people who will believe them and treat their utterances as Gospel. Demagoguery, lunacy, and propaganda have built multi-million dollars careers (et tu, Glenn Beck) while millions of decent, hard-working Americans remain unemployed.

Normally I can handle stupid, because stupid is in most cases harmless. These days, though, that’s no longer necessarily true. To wit (and, guess what??…these are Republicans):

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA): Proving that the hateful apple doesn’t fall far from the hateful tree, Rep. Hunter is seriously proposing the repeal of the 14th Amendment and deporting children who are American citizens. If their parents are illegal aliens, Hunter, who’s ALL about keeping families together, would deport children born in this country with their parents. After all, it’s really all about saving California money. The reality that the Supreme Court has established that anyone born in the United States is a citizen regardless of the nationality of the parents is but a minor inconvenience to Hunter, who thinks Arizona’s new immigration law is a “fantastic starting point”. Hmm…methinks perhaps someone should make Hunter sit through a screening of A Day Without Mexicans….

Hey, if you didn’t want to have these sorts of problems, you should have been born White, eh?

Don Redman: I could riff at some length about this idjit, but how about I just leave it at this: being a Muslim is NOT a crime, nor should it disqualify an American citizen from public service. White Christians may be the majority, but America is NOT a White Christian nation. I wonder if the term “melting pot” holds any meaning for Redman?

Tom Tancredo: I think that most rational, lucid people would agree that the “issue” of Barack Obama’s birthplace (and eligibility to be President) is a settled issue unworthy of further discussion. And then there’s Tom “I have absolutely no idea where he was born” Tancredo, who jumps from idiocy to demagoguery to sheer lunacy with an alacrity and deftness that’s truly astonishing. His latest trip down the rabbit hole?? Well, how about that President Obama is DELIBERATELY hiding his long form birth certificate to piss off the birthers. Hey, it’s working, right? And if it keeps the children occupied so they don’t bother the adults, I’d have to think that this is a good thing.

Dr. Pat Bertroche: Physician, heal thyself…particularly if you’re suffering from diarrhea of the mouth and a complete lack of human decency. Yes, Dr. Pat (“I can microchip my dog so I can find it. Why can’t I microchip an illegal?”) Bertroche has made it clear that he wasn’t joking when he proposed microchipping illegal aliens so we can keep track of them. And, to help drive his point home, he compared illegal aliens to his dog. Sure, what the Hell? I wonder if he train train his Dachsund to cut grass or collect garbage?

Right….and the catching and microchipping hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens would be oh, so cost effective, eh? Never mind the reality that, being illegal, these folks aren’t going to make it easy to be found. It’s easy to blithely discuss this sort of “idea” when you view a class of people as subhuman. Jeebus, and this wackjob’s a physician??

The Oklahoma Legislature: Remember when Conservatives used to believe in living up to the definition of Conservatism? Remember when Conservatives insisted that they stood for smaller government…and keeping that government out of our lives? Well, it turns out that still holds true…unless Conservatives feel obliged to impose their narrow, ignorant, hate-filled agenda on all Americans. Additionally, and frighteningly, Conservatives in Oklahoma HATE women. They just passed a law (overriding the veto of the Democratic Governor) mandating certain invasive medical procedures that must be performed on any woman seeking an abortion. Neither doctors nor women have any choice in the matter. The idea, of course, is to shame women into reversing their decision to have an abortion. What I don’t understand is why Republicans in Oklahoma despise women to the degree that they want to place themselves between a doctor and a woman’s uterus? Didn’t Conservatives believe once upon a time in keeping government out of the lives of Americans? Or is it just that they feel that individual liberty is a good thing only insofar as it meshes with their agenda?

No, I’m NOT making this up….

The Arizona Legislature: This is almost TOO easy. A collection of racists and bigots pass a bill that barely conceals White Arizona’s contempt for Brown People…and the Governor signs the bill into law, stating that it’s true purpose is to secure Arizona’s borders. Even worse, police can be sued by those it stops AND by those who believe that police AREN’T enforcing the law. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.

Throw in a growing national outrage and a boycott of virtually all things Arizona, and Republicans in Arizona have truly shown their colors, eh? They’ll flush their state down the toilet on principle. Now THAT’s leadership!!

AmeriKKKa…land of the Free and Home of the White. And if you’re Brown…well, Arizona doesn’t need you, anyway.

What is it about Republicans that allows them to so blithely despise and work to oppress anyone who doesn’t fit under the heading of “White Christian Male”? How can these loons EVER expect to be the majority party when they despise and actively work to oppress roughly half of Americans? Or is the idea simply to disenfranchise those who don’t look, act, or believe as they do in order that REAL, God-fearing American patriots can assume their rightful place at the head of the table?

Welcome to AmeriKKKa: where White, stupid, and completely self-superior make Right.

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