November 22, 2011 5:31 AM

When you're poll numbers rank up there with athlete's foot and pizza farts, it's time to go

You have to know that you’re in trouble when the IRS is four times more popular than you, and when you’re pulling the same poll numbers as Hugo Chavez. It would be comical and rather amusing if this wasn’t Congress we’re talking about. Sure, both sides have contributed, and it’s not as if Democrats have done themselves any favors. That said, it’s the do-nothing, oppose-everything, make-Obama-a-one-term-President-is-Job-One Republicans who really should be taking the bow for this one.

Republican partisanship and obstructionism has ground Congress virtually to a halt. At a time of economic hardship, when leadership is really needed, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell, et. al. have decided that fiddling while Rome burns is the way to return to their rightful place as Masters of Washington. Then again, when you have no ideas of your own, and your platform consists of doing whatever it takes to make sure Obama is defeated in 2012- even if it means watching America burns…. Well, partisanship and obstructionism is about all we can expect under those circumstances.

May there be reserved parking spaces in Hell for Congressional Republicans and the Blue Dog Democrats who follow their lead. At a time when they should be leading, following, or just getting the Hell out of the way, they’ve decided that arrogance, indolence, and obstruction is what this country needs.

Nice. A pox on all your houses….

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This page contains a single entry by Jack Cluth published on November 22, 2011 5:31 AM.

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