June 17, 2012 7:20 AM

This is what happens when you let Conservatives prove they can't govern

POLL: Plurality Believes That Republicans Are Sabotaging Economy: When your platform and Prime Directive is doing whatever you think it takes to defeat Barack Obama, it’s going to become painfully evident that you care less about America than you do your lust for power. In the case of Republicans, their obsession with making Obama a one-term President has led them to sabotage the economy.

If Democrats had adopted this tactic in an effort to oust a Republican President, the GOP would (not unjustifiably) be accusing them of economic treason…yet when Republicans do it, it’s just “sound political strategy.” WTF??

Romney blocked publication of state anti-bullying guide: If you’re beginning to suspect that the GOP might just be devoid of anything resembling compassion and humanity…well, you have NO idea just how true that is. Tax breaks for billionaires, taking away health care, purging the poor and minorities from voter rolls, voter ID laws, going to war against women, unions, and the middle class…need I go on??

The Republican Plot To Make You Stupid: Republicans have long since recognized (though they’d never admit it) that they can’t compete with Democrats and President Obama on the issues of the day. They seem to understand, if not accept, that they’re on the wrong side of history…but that certainly doesn’t mean they’re about to turtle and concede the election. No, Republicans will be relying on propaganda and talking points repeated incessantly by a plethora of Republican talking heads to get their message across. In the case of Mitt Romney, he’ll simply be lying his way to November, the strategy evidently being that if you bury the American Sheeple in lies and dishonesty, they’ll lose their ability to discern truth from disinformation.

This is what you get when you lack a moral center and your ethical standards are whatever you have to do or say in order to win an election.

Romney Confirms He Will Deny Insurance To Millions With Pre-Existing Conditions If Obamacare Is Struck Down: Because compassion is for losers and Liberals. Besides, if God had meant for you to live, you would have been born healthy…or wealthy enough to afford to buy your own Cadillac health care.

Jon Stewart Blasts Rick Scott’s Purge Of Florida Voter Rolls: “Every now and again, a politician comes along who is just truly terrible and really deserving of more scorn than even we can dole out in our nightly 21-minute, 30-second wise-ass-athon.” Say hello to Floriduh Gov. Rick Scott, perhaps the most inept, corrupt, anti-democratic, classist Republican ever elected to run a state. During his tenure, he’s presided over a decrease in unemployment benefits, turned down federal funds for a high-speed rail project (Infrastucture? Who needs infrastructure??), and begun purging poor and minority voters from Floriduh’s eligible voter list.

Oh, and did I mention that he was an inept and corrupt CEO prior to deciding to take his business expertise into government?

It’s not as if Floriduh’s voters have reason to complain; they elected him. Hmm…I guess the American Sheeple really do get exactly the quality of leadership they deserve.

Video: 15 seconds of Michigan democracy: When Republicans can’t win under the rules of representative democracy, you can bet they’ll twist the rules to their advantage. If they have to cheat, steal, and lie in order to force their agenda through, so be it.

Gene Lyons: Obama Is Not Soft On Terrorism — Nor Is He A Sociopath: So, remind me again: when did George W. Bush kill Osama bin-Laden?

Bachmann fears ‘suicide-bomber conference’: In GOPWorld, integrity and devotion to facts and truth aren’t virtues. In fact, they’re pronounced liabilities. Few Republicans demonstrate this tenuous attachment to reality that Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who never met a lie she couldn’t convince herself was the absolute, Gospel Truth.

Hey, didja hear the one about the suicide bomber’s convention?? Right; next Bachmann will be telling us that President Obama was scheduled to be the keynote speaker.

Fox & Friends Falsely Claims Fed Saw 40% Wealth Drop In “Last Three Years”: Hey, if the facts don’t fit the desired narrative, you can always just invent “facts” as you go. It’s not like anyone who gets their news from Fox News Channel is actually going to bother to do anything resembling fact checking.

Gohmert: Commerce Secretary Bryson is a ‘Guy That Crashes his Car from Car to Car’. Nothing succeeds like…well, like demonstrating how completely devoid of compassion and simple human decency you are. The facts surrounding Bryson’s crashes are still coming to light, but it does appear that the Commerce Secretary did in fact have a seizure…not that Gohmert would ever let facts or compassion get in his way. Because humanity and compassion for the health and well-being of others are for losers and Liberals.

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