August 19, 2013 5:48 AM

Neil Cavuto: Why engage in reasoned debate when ignorance and fear-mongering work so well?

On today’s episode of Fox News Channel’s “Smiling Jackasses,” didja know that Harry Reid and Barack Obama are conspiring to outlaw private health insurance as part of their nefarious scheme to implement “Medicare for all?” GASP!! Oh, the humanity!! How dare they deny capitalists their God-given right to profit off the pain and suffering of Americans? So what if some Americans die for lack of health care because they can’t afford insurance? Whatever happened to survival of the fittest? Whatever happened to the (Conservative) dream of an America where only the strong survive?

It’s one thing when Conservative pundits push their agenda using facts, logic, and reason…you know, things like real evidence to back up their assertions, right? It’s quite another when you realize that doing so would require things like research to determine if what they believe to be Gospel actually is anything even faintly redolent of the truth. It’s SO much easier when you can spout Right-wing talking points and traffic in fear-mongering, half-truth, and/or outright lies and disinformation. Your preconceived notions are never tested, and you never even have to think and consider the possibility that what you believe to be the truth isn’t.

OMG!! A single-payer system?? Welcome to Harry Reid’s socialist America, a place where good, God-fearing Americans will have socialized medicine forced upon them and government bureaucrats will make life-and-death decisions- the sort that doctors should be allowed to make with their patients. Except that none of the fear-mongering and impotent bleating has any basis in truth or reality. Clearly, it’s not about the truth or what’s real; it’s about what you can the American Sheeple is true. When the accusations are as outrageous as the charges Cavuto and panel of mental and moral midgets blithely toss around…well, they MUST be true. Right??

This great moment in propaganda comes to us via

Fox’s “business block” or as they like to call it, “The Cost of Freedom” where every Saturday, they continue to prove that they hate the working class, as our friends over at Media Matters discussed this weekend, they don’t know anything about the economy or what’s kept Americans out of poverty, and as they did in this segment from Cavuto’s show, they’d also like to dupe their viewers into believing that a single-payer health care system would be very bad for them.

Following Harry Reid’s statement this week that “Obamacare” or The Affordable Care Act, would eventually lead to the United States moving to a single-payer system and that it was a step in the right direction, the yappers over at Fox are yelling, conspiracy theory! Hah! We knew it all along that this was just a stealth plan to impose single-payer health care on the country! The horror!

I can’t help but wonder; if a single-payer system is so inherently evil, then how do you explain what’s happening in places like Canada, France, and Norway? All of these countries and others with single-payer systems do a far better job of caring for their citizens than the Third World health care delivery system in the US? You’ll note that I said DELIVERY system; I was not referring to the health care itself. We have the best and highest level of health care and health care-related technology available…and yet 1 of 4 citizens in Texas has no health insurance. How can that possibly be viewed as acceptable? How can anyone possessing even the barest shred of humanity think that the American health care delivery is top-notch? Of course, if you’re a Fox talking head whose view of the world rarely extends beyond what impacts you directly (and you hate the working class)…you undoubtedly think what we have here in America is the very definition of capitalistic perfection.

Cavuto and his merry band of troglodytes may think they understand “The Cost of Freedom,” but they certainly understand nothing about the value of it. They’d quite happily watch America burn to the ground- and ignite the conflagration themselves if necessary- if it supported their self-absorbed, propaganda-based agenda. Who needs the truth when you believe in the Big Lie?

Speaking the truth is hard, because it requires effort, a passion for accuracy, and devotion to facts…things Neil Cavuto wouldn’t recognize if they showed with kneepads and a tube of AstroGlide. No, better to keep America scared and stupid…as if we need any help with that.

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