October 18, 2013 6:08 AM

Teapublican Delusional Disorder: When nothing is true, everything is true (Chapter 2)

Are these “facts” really being asserted on FOX and conservative blogs and radio shows? At what point does organized disinformation of this magnitude stop being just annoying and start being criminal?

One of my Facebook friends is a Political Science professor at Sonoma State University and a pretty reasonable sort. We all have our threshold of tolerance for stupid, though, and Cynthia evidently reached hers…and who can blame her? How do you argue with people for whom facts and reality are passé? How do you have a rational discussion with people who are demonstrably irrational? How you have an honest debate with dishonest people for whom smug arrogance is their “Gotcha!!”? Even worse, how do you talk with people who believe whatever Fox News Channels tells them?

When you’re political philosophy can be summed up by “Jesus said it. I believe it. That settles it.” you’re not a personal open to reason and rationality. And that’s EXACTLY the problem our country confronts today.

There comes a point when intelligent, well-informed, rational people have to be able to expect something similar from the other side of the ideological spectrum. The problem we face is that it’s so hard as to be virtually impossible to find on the Right. When most of the right side of the political spectrum lives in a fact-free environment, there’s almost literally no way to have a meeting of the minds, to determine how best to move America forward. And so we’re reduced to be shouted at by low-information zealots who believe what Fox News Channel tells them to. How do you reason with people convinced that rational thought and critical thinking are part of an evil Liberal plot to force socialism on America? Not that they could define “socialism”….

When you choose as your leaders people who lie as easily as they breathe, you have little hope of being taken seriously. When you look to people who are dishonest, disingenuous, intolerant, and ignorant, how can you expect to have an impact on policy? If you vehemently suppose those who would burn America to the ground if 100% of their demands aren’t met, you’re not part of the problem, you ARE the problem.

We can fix this…but not if one side insists on a negotiation strategy based on rage, screaming, and being divorced from reality.


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This page contains a single entry by Jack Cluth published on October 18, 2013 6:08 AM.

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