October 29, 2013 6:06 AM

The true definition of bullying: Denying Christians their inalienable rights to bully gays

Daubenmire fumed, “And when Christians can no longer say ‘something that their conscience tells them to say, then we see that majority begin to bully the minority,” so now “we’re beginning to see Christians, and Christian idea, and Christian values become the most bullied things in all of this nation.’”

The idea of Radical Christians using circular logic to justify their decidedly un-Christian hatred and oppression of those whose lifestyle and/or beliefs they despise is hardly new. The Rabid Religious Right is rife with authoritarian zealots who wouldn’t recognize Jesus Christ if He arrived at their doorstep with a tube of AstroGlide and a pair of knee pads. Few travel this road with a greater lack of self-awareness and excess of self-parody than Dave “I’m Sick And Tired Of Being Sodomized By The Left” Daubenmire, who is to Christianity what Idi Amin was to representative democracy. His worldview is every bit as arrogant, offensive, and un-Christian as it is a comedy gold mine.

Daubenmire evidently didn’t get the memo that Christianity is about peace, love, and understanding, because his “Christianity” is about rage, self-importance, and repression. It rejects the premise that we’re all God’s children, because some (homosexuals, Liberals, Muslims, etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum) are clearly not as worthy of God’s love as Conservative White authoritarians. And when good, God-fearing Christians are denied the right to bully gays…well…that’s ipso facto the worst sort of bullying.

Daubenmire’s intense (and arguably excessive) fixation on homosexuality might lead a reasonable person to wonder what he’s so afraid of? What is it about homosexuals and homosexuality that threaten’s Daubenmire’s moral sanctity and peace of mind? Is it that he’s secretly conflicted enough about his own sexuality that he’s chosen to repress how he expresses it by reflexively opposing anything even faintly redolent of gay rights? Can his railing against “the homosexual agenda” be fairly interpreted as projection? Who knows? I have a difficult time believing that homosexuals pose a clear and present danger to Daubenmire. He doesn’t have to like them or believe in their lifestyle- which he clearly doesn’t- but what is it that leads him to believe he has the right to bully those who might think, live, and/or love differently? The Jesus Christ he professes to revere said nothing about homosexuality…so perhaps this really is about Daubenmire’s fear, hatred, and uncertainty over his own sexuality.

A little bit of research turns up some comic gems, like Daubenmire’s almost five-minute rant claiming that President Obama is gay. Next, I suppose he’ll be trying to convince us that Obama’s a radical Kenyan-born Socialist Islamist who hats America and wishes for nothing more than its destruction and subjugation to a new Caliphate.

Hey, it could happen…right??

From my experience, we tend to hate in others what we most fear in ourselves. If you apply that lesson to Daubenmire, you might just have someone who’s repressed his sexuality so far you couldn’t find it with a battalion of trained search-and-rescue professionals. Because Dave Daubenmire loves Jesus Christ Just. That. Much.

There’s a very simple solution available to Daubenmire, of course. If he despises any and all expressions of homosexuality, he should probably avoiding having a sexual relationship with another man.

Problem solved.

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