November 6, 2014 6:25 AM

People really suck sometimes

[T]he fact is that Brittany Maynard had a choice. She could have turned to Jesus in her time of need, but she didn’t. She instead chose to martyr herself for a sick cause. What I take away from this is the realization that the wicked comes in all different forms. Even very pretty sweet voiced 29 year old women can be wicked. And the fact of it is, she was wicked. Jesus would have helped her through it, even through the death. And He would have welcomed her into His kingdom and into heaven upon death. But she did clearly said, “No.”

Just when I begin to think that maybe, just maybe, there might be hope for humanity…I run across something like this. It saddens me to have to acknowledge what cruel, mean-spirited, compassion-deprived meat sacks people can be. That this sort of thing is done in the name of someone’s sick, bastardized version of Christianity makes me want to vomit. For people who profess to believe in a loving, benevolent, and compassion God, they sure can be intolerant, judgmental assholes, eh? And they certainly seem to be convinced that their belief is the only one that matters, and that their flavor of Imaginary Friend is the One, True, and Only Faith.

What is it about so many hyper-religious sorts that leads them to believe they have to right to pass judgment on someone? They’re free to live their life as they choose, of course; that’s the nature of living in a free country. What they’re not free to do is to pretend they have the moral authority to cast aspersions upon someone whose suffering they can’t begin to comprehend. None of them are living with the death sentence Brittany Maynard faced on a daily basis. None of them had a future before them that promised only unimaginable pain and suffering. THAT was not an abstract concept to Ms. Maynard; that was what she knew was coming. The only question was when…and so she decided to move to Oregon from California in order that she might take control of the manner and timing of her death. She had a choice: either endure a lingering, painful, excruciating death…or end her life with dignity and relieve both her and her loved ones of the suffering created by a slow, agonizing demise. For ANYONE not named Brittany Maynard to believe that their opinion matters a damn is as delusional and self-righteous as it is insensitive and devoid of compassion.

You don’t have to support or agree with her decision, but you do need to accept that her decision was legal here in Oregon. She chose to die with dignity, to take control of her death. NO ONE has the right to presume they can pass judgment on her decision and actions. STFU.

I don’t believe in God, but my schoolboy days found me attending a good deal of Sunday School. I was taught that God was a loving, compassionate deity who allowed his children to be who they are and to think for themselves. It’s unfortunate that too many of His followers seem unwilling to mirror the Creator they profess to worship. Instead, they’ve become self-righteous, intolerant, self-superior jerks who wouldn’t recognize Christian love and charity if they showed up with kneepads and a tube of AstroGlide. Worse, they actually believe that their opinion about what someone else does matter…and they feel perfectly justified in broadcasting their disapproval of what to them is no more than an abstract concept.

Compassion: It’s not just for losers and godless Liberals, knowhutimean?? Our thoughts should be with those Ms. Maynard left behind. Her suffering is over; it’s her husband and her loved ones that have been left to deal with her passing. If you can’t find it within yourself to be exercise understanding and compassion, you’re truly a miserable excuse for a human being.

To judge someone harshly for facing a horrible, lingering death and deciding to take control of her inevitable demise seems the height of arrogance and lack of compassion. I can only hope that none of these jerks ever find themselves in the position Brittany Maynard did. I suspect their perspective would be far different than the self-righteous pedestal they’ve elevated themselves to.

May they all have reserved parking spaces waiting for them in Hell.

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