January 13, 2015 6:59 AM

How the haters and bigots have wasted a decade of their lives

Pretty soon Obama will be gone and you will have to face up to the fact that you will have lost a whole decade of your life passing around conspiracy theories and whipping yourself into a frenzy of hatred. All of you lost friends, severed relationships with family members, and some of you even lost your job or your marriage due to your unhinged behavior. You lost that decade wailing about Obama the gay Communist Muslim narcissist dictator who was going to let the UN invade America and various hoaxes like “death panels,” birth certificates, and the “Ground Zero Mosque” (remember how you wasted two years of your life over that?). Just think of what you could have accomplished if you hadn’t wasted all that time. You could have gotten a college degree, you could have written a book, you could have run your first marathon, you could have built a boat and sailed it around the world. You could learned to speak another language - oh wait, you never would have done that. You kept waiting for Obama to be impeached or for the GOP candidates to “take off the gloves.” But they never did because your favorite stories were hoaxes, and the GOP can’t impeach or win the White House based on hoaxes.

Over the past six years, we’ve been subjected to all manner of crackpots treated by the mainstream media as if they have something legitimate and reasonable to add to the public discourse. In reality, it’s more often than not been an exercise in ignorance, racism, hyper-religiosity, science denial, or combinations of the above. Seldom has the reality of our new idiocracy been more concrete and tangible. We have birthers, vaccine truthers, gun nuts, and conspiracy theorists of all shapes, sizes, and flavors. We have people willing to believe whatever lies and Right-wing propaganda Fox News Channel feeds them, even as they’re unwilling to consider the truth that “Fair and Balanced” is anything but.

Barack Obama is not a Muslim, a Communist, a Kenyan, a dictator, a slave to Sharia…or any number of other epithets and pejoratives tossed at him by those who can’t beat him on substance and have been reduced to character assassination. Despite of all manner of world-class obstructionism directed at him by Republicans in Congress, this President has actually managed to accrue a significant list of policy victories. No, the Affordable Care Act isn’t anything approaching perfect (it still has significant problems), but it’s a damned sight better than the Third World health care coverage system that existed previously. Two of our longest-running wars have been brought to conclusion, though no reasonable person would claim either as a resounding, legacy-defining victory.

Many of you will never recover from this experience. Physically, your health is no doubt worse for having lost a decade watching television and whipping yourself into a frenzy of hatred. Your ability to reason is probably permanently damaged, and nobody really wants to listen to your opinions anyway. Yes, you can successfully annoy the waitress at the diner, because she can’t run away from a customer, but that doesn’t mean she agrees with you. Some of you will be going into nursing homes because people gave up on you a long time ago and nobody can stand to listen to one more day of you babbling about Saul Alinsky (who died in 1972, by the way).

Never in the history of the Republic have so many been so thoroughly and completely convinced of so much that’s provably and demonstrably untrue. Never have so many been so thoroughly chained to their delusions and hatred that they’ve been willing to assume the worst no matter how questionable the source.

Barack Obama hasn’t taken our guns…or our freedom…or our liberty…or anything else, really. Despite all of the dire prediction of disaster and Divine Retribution if he was re-elected, God seems to have taken a rather benign view of this President. Then again, if you believe that every public health crisis or natural disaster is evidence of God’s displeasure with The Black Guy in the White House ©, you’re not going to be favorably disposed to believing anything reasonable or rational, anyway.

Some of you have no doubt suffered financially from all the time you wasted hating Obama. But some of you have actually done very very well under his “anticapitalist,” “communist,” “dictatorship.” You do know that the economy usually does much better under Democrats, right? And that the best four years of job creation in the last 50 years was under Jimmy Carter, right?

The truth is that the economy has improved. Job creation is significantly better than it was under George W. Bush, the deficit has decreased, spending has dropped. In general, all of the things that Conservatives value have improved under Barack Obama…not that they’d ever give him credit for that, of course. They’re too busy blaming him for everything from the Lindbergh kidnapping to JFK’s assassination to 9/11.

I realize, of course, that nothing I say here will convince those who believe The Black Guy in the White House © to be an America-hating terrorist sympathizer who plans to destroy America before he leaves office. Idiots will be idiots; it’s just too bad that they get to vote.

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