October 13, 2015 8:28 AM

If government can forcibly implant IUDs in our daughters, how long before they take our guns?

Bristol Palin, scion of Sarah Palin, seven months pregnant in an “I got ahead of myself” situation, is mad about birth control. Specifically, she is mad about Washington teenagers having access to low-cost, long-acting, reversible birth control like IUDs…. Palin’s latest blog, which we saw via Wonkette, is aflame with outrage over an IUD program that other right wing news outlets got angry about all the way back in July. As Snopes pointed out way back in July, this was a big story for conservative news outlet CNS, which claimed Seattle sixth-graders couldn’t buy a soda to save their lives, while their school was running around willfully implanting their uteri with IUDs.

If you’re like me, you went through childhood being told that if you studied and worked hard eventually you’d achieve success. Then you learned about Bristol Palin and, like me, you’re now dealing with the disappointment of feeling as if you were lied to for lo, those many years, eh? Where do I go to get all the time, effort, blood, sweat, and tears I put into preparing myself for my glorious future filled with riches and success? Palin’s only claim to fame is being the bratty, arrogant, and not terribly intellectually agile progeny of a former Alaska half-Governor. She’s achieved fame and fortune primarily for her inability to practice chastity while being paid ridiculously large sums of money to PREACH the virtues and necessity of avoiding the terrible threat presented by an unwrapped penis. That she’s had one child out of wedlock and is currently carrying her second is something I would normally not concern myself with…except for the obvious and undeniable hypocrisy involved in pushing her chastity agenda…a quality the entire Palin clan seems to possess in abundance. Then again, when you lack the self-awareness to recognize your own hypocrisy, this is what you get.

If Bristol Palin was, say…Chelsea Clinton, no one would care about her opinion, and, in fact, the Far Right would likely have well and thoroughly pilloried her for having the temerity to speak her mind. Because she’s the reliably Conservative offspring of a Conservative (if not intellectual) Hero of the Cause ©, Bristol Palin has seen her path paved in gold by Conservatives tripping over themselves to throw money at her. Though almost completely devoid of accomplishments (save for regularly ridiculing the President), Palin has at the tender age of 24 made more money that some of her generation will see in a couple of decades.

Say what you will about Conservatives, but they do have a way of taking care of their own…even when they have nothing but dishonesty, a lack of integrity, and an inflated sense of their own importance to offer. That the Right-wing Media sees her as a quotable Very Serious and Important Person © can and should be taken as clear and undeniable proof of the low standards of Conservatives.

Welcome to the dumbing down of America, hosted by Bristol Palin….

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