February 15, 2016 6:33 AM

If Ted Cruz isn't a clear and present danger to American democracy, I don't know what would be

Ted Cruz appeared on Meet The Press…to repeat one of his looniest claims: “If liberals are so confident that the American people want unlimited abortion on demand, want religious liberty torn down, want the Second Amendment taken away, want veterans’ memorials torn down, want the crosses and Stars of David sandblasted off of the tombstones of our fallen veterans, then go make the case to the people.”

Imagine if you will a Presidential candidate so craven, so desperate for power, and so thoroughly dishonest and devoid of integrity that he’d say and/or do literally anything to win election to the nation’s highest office. Now imagine that this candidate is making his case by claiming the imprimatur of Almighty God and blaming everything he perceives to be “wrong” with America- and it’s a long list- on Liberals and non-Christians (particularly Muslims and atheists). These are the “enimies” who in his mind are desirous of nothing more than than opportunity to slaughter good, God-fearing Conservative Christian patriots. He loudly and angrily proclaims survivors of the purges will be enslaved and forced to serve a new Caliphate based on Sharia law and administered by ISIS/ISIL.

In the abstract, any decent American possessed of even a bare minimum of functional brain cells would laugh this cretin off as unworthy of managing a Dairy Queen, much less sitting behind the big desk in the Oval Office. Yet once the smoke clears, Ted Cruz stands a more than reasonable chance of becoming the GOP’s Presidential nominee. Cruz, a deeply Conservative Evangelical Christian and a proponent of Seven Mountains Dominionism (simply put, the belief that Christians are called to seize control over all aspects of public life), represents nothing if not a clear and present danger to democracy. Many who profess to follow Seven Mountains Dominionism fervently believe the separation of Church and State to be the errant product of godless humanism and profoundly counter to God’s will.

Cruz’s most recent foray into ridiculousness is carefully calculated to scare the Fox News-addicted American Sheeple into voting for him in order that America might remain the property and personal playground of Conservative White Christians.

Sen. Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi, who has been campaigning for her husband full-time over the past several months, explained the role of faith in the Texas Republican’s presidential campaign yesterday, telling a South Carolina radio host that Cruz is running to “show this country the face of the God that we serve.”

Cruz’s father Rafael made a similar statement last month when he said that Ted, whom he has implied was chosen by God for the White House, was running for president to “share the love of Jesus Christ” with “every person in America.”

Heidi Cruz told South Carolina radio host Vince Coakley yesterday that even if she were not married to Ted, she’d be trying to work on his campaign because “this country is in crisis and this individual has an incredible talent to bring us out of this crisis.”

This is in a large part, she said, because “this Christian God that we serve is the foundation of our country” and people need to be reminded that “Christians are loving people, are nonjudgmental people, but there is right and wrong, we have a country of law and order, there are consequences to actions and we must all live peaceably in our own faiths under the Constitution.”

Part of the problem is that Cruz’s family appears to be every bit as deluded as the candidate himself. Both his father and his wife believe that God Almighty has chosen Ted Cruz to lead America out of the moral swamp of godlessness and sin afflicting us all.

Religion, in this case, at least, is truly the last refuge of a scoundrel (apologies to Samuel Johnson)…and Ted Cruz, by virtually every available public measuring stick, is every bit the scoundrel. Intensely disliked by virtually every sane person he comes into contact with, Cruz may well be the most despised person to ever run for President. By all indications possessed of a laser-like focus on his own self-interest and self-aggrandizement, he has yet to offer anything positive to voters. So far, he’s promised to start a war in the Middle East, force millions to once again go without health insurance, and legislate the LGBT community back to second-class status. There’s more, but you probably get the point- Ted Cruz represents a truly evil bastardization of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Even more than that, Ted Cruz is all about advancing the interests of Ted Cruz.

We know what Ted Cruz opposes, what he hates with the self-righteous fury of the Chosen One, and whom he’d destroy in the construction of his egocentric, self-focused theocracy. What’s harder to come by is an understanding of what he’s FOR, what sort of positive actions (if any) he’d take to move America forward.

Engaging in shameless fear-mongering and spouting obvious and ridiculous lies is simply another day at the office for the junior Senator from Texas. In the end, Ted Cruz is all about whatever it takes to get Ted Cruz elected.

I don’t know about you, but if Ted Cruz is committed to the furtherance of American democracy, I’m the Queen of Denmark. The prospect of a President Cruz should scare the Hell out of anyone who values and respects the separation of Church and State, and who values the freedoms of speech, expression, and religion. Based on what he’s shown thus far, it’s difficult not to believe that a Ted Cruz presidency would pose a clear and present danger to those freedoms and more.

But go ahead and vote for him…because he’s the Chosen One, don’tchaknow? If nothing else, you’ll finally get to see what a truly tyrannical government is all about.

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