June 20, 2016 6:38 AM

Yes, Virginia; evidently I really am a sorry excuse for a patriotic American

I am not anti-gun. I’m pro-knife. Consider the merits of the knife. In the first place, you have to catch up with someone in order to stab him. A general substitution of knives for guns would promote physical fitness. We’d turn into a whole nation of great runners. Plus, knives don’t ricochet. And people are seldom killed while cleaning their knives.

  • Molly Ivins

Lest you begin to delude yourself into thinking it’s possible to have a reasoned, rational discussion about guns with Proudly Closed-minded Gun Control Foes ©, I’d refer you to this WWJD post from May 10, 2013. For whatever reason(s), this particular post received more comments than perhaps anything else I’ve written in the almost 15 years of TPRS/WWJD. It’s not the number of comments that concerns me, though. It’s the fact that, three years later, it’s still getting rude, mean-spirited, and hateful responses.

This is garabage! Without the second amendment it will be a slaughter unlike anything ever seen.You better do some research buddy before spuing this trash.

Poor spelling and grammar (which seems to be a recurring theme amongst Proudly Closed-Minded Gun Control Foes ©) aside, this is pretty typical of the anger and ignorance directed my way by people who didn’t exactly display a high degree of intellectual candlepower or kindness in formulating their comments. That the above commenter helpfully included a link to a thoroughly biased and completely one-sided article from that bastion of journalistic impartiality and objectivity, the Tea Party Tribune didn’t exactly tip the argument in his favor. Ignorance and bombast remain unchanged regardless of the sources one links to in order to buttress their (poorly considered and even more poorly supported) argument. What rational person believes the Tea Party Tribune to be an objective primary support for supporting any argument? That’s like looking to Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin for cogent dispassionate evaluations of capitalism.

Without the the 2nd amendment this site wouldn’t exist. If you don’t like rights move to China or Russia.

Really? And how exactly is that true? I haven’t noticed armed patriots guarding the perimeter of my property against those who’d deny me my constitutional right to free speech and expression. What is it that your precious, Divinely-ordained 2nd Amendment is protecting WWJD from?

Hey you, without the guns… I have the guns… I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.

Wow…you seem nice. Mama must be SO proud of the kind, considerate adult you’ve become.

Hey dude if you don’t like our Constitution in the usa get the fuck out and go to country s that have gun control like iran and north Korea

I’d argue this point, but like Winston Churchill, I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent. This poor thing couldn’t construct and support an argument if you spotted him Disraeli and Henry Clay as consultants.

You liberals are just upset you can’t have control of how the Constitution and bill of rights don’t work in your favor. Sorry, bud, guns are here and they’re here to stay.

“You liberals?” This is almost always my favorite put-down, spouting the “L” word as if it was some sort of epithet. Sorry, but I choose to bear my “Liberalness” as a badge of honor. It means that I care about the world around me, that I want to make it a better place, and that I don’t reflexively consider my rights (and my interpretation of them) to be my Prime Directive.

And then there’s this cogent piece of analysis provided by that brave defender of liberty under the pseudonym, “Jack cluth is a faggot”:

If you don’t like guns don’t live in america, jack cluth

Because Lords knows that an America without firearms would be EXACTLY like the Soviet Union, knowhutimean?

This post would be incomplete without mentioning a sampling of comments provided by one Jake Newton, who’s to rational, reasoned discourse what Charles Whitman was to spreading peace and love on the University of Texas campus.

you’re wrong, Jack. And you look like an idiot because you keep telling everyone you’re done, not replying anymore…yet you keep coming back for more. You’re wrong about the 2nd Amendment, and….

GAWD you fucking liberals are sore losers! NO “said description” does NOT apply to me. I never said I was going ANYWHERE, and he attacked ME on MY post. You stupid libtards ask for this shit by….

Jack - you are a complete idiot. I surely hope you did not procreate, and never do. Your DNA needs to die with you and never be allowed to taint the earth again. Enjoy going and fucking yourself,…

It’s a good thing I don’t take cheap, personal insults to heart- especially when they’re dished out by someone (not) so calm, rational, and considerate…and thoroughly, utterly incapable of constructing, much less supporting, a rational, reasoned, dispassionate argument.

If the best you can do is use your righteous outrage to make the case that I’m a sorry sack of Liberal dog excrement, save yourself the effort. I’ve likely been called worse by far better. Sticks and stones, knowhutimean??

Then again, these folks are EXACTLY why the 2nd Amendment has outlived its usefulness. When you can ignore mass murder because you value your “gun right” over the rights of innocent civilians not to be killed by a madman with an AR-15, there’s only one way to describe you.

You’re a monster…and you have no business being allowed to any sort of firearm. You many believe that only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun, but that hardly makes you a “good guy.” It makes you someone who has no business carrying anything more deadly than a pen knife.

If you’re a Proudly Closed-minded Gun Control Foe © and my exercising my 1st Amendment rights threatens and/or angers you, you’re welcome. And thank you for proving my point.

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