September 18, 2002 4:14 PM plug the "Dignity Gap"

Leave it to Scott Ott to unearth this story:

The New York Times has begun a campaign to "Plug The Dignity Gap". Their idea follows up on an opinion piece by Thomas Friedman. The plan calls for the elimination of radical Islamic terrorism by providing angry young Muslims with the trappings of Western culture.

In a full page advertisement, Times publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr., wrote, "We're going tap the largesse of a great demographic slice of America, our readers, and provide these young religious men with fine homes, sophisticated entertainment devices, fast cars, inspiring liquors and mellow cigars. We will plug the 'dignity gap' and thus put an end to terrorism in our times."

"We know that radical Islam is not the problem," said Sulzberger, "although every nation ruled by it is an incredible sewer of human despair and a well-spring of visceral anger. The real problem is that we Americans have all the good toys even though we cling to the admittedly-inferior Judeo-Christian worldview."

Of course, it could work. If money can't buy you love, it might just get you a good deal on some dignity....

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