January 20, 2003 6:26 PM

Who wouldn't want to watch that?

The Commercial

Riddle me this: how do scantily-clad, architecturally-enhanced women wrestling in green muck manage to sell beer? If any of y'all have an answer, you're smarter than I am.

We've all been there, watching the game with the kids when The Commercial comes on. Okay, if it isn't the kids it's your wife or girlfriend or mom or mother-in-law. In any case, you're watching The Commercial and you wish you weren't....

The Commercial makes you deal with things you shouldn't have to deal with when you're sitting down to watch a game. The Commercial makes you uncomfortable....

Now there's torn clothes and man-made chests and mud wrestling. If you're really lucky, you get the version that ends with one saying to the other, "Wanna make out?"

That one might only be in certain markets, chosen by actuaries.

It's effective, give 'em that. It's The Commercial, after all, and nobody else can say that. It's cheeky and edgy and delivered with a wink. It hits all the demographic targets for a football game. Clever, I suppose.

Tastes great, you might say, with horrible taste.

How long until we are graced with naked volleyball and lesbian shower scenes, all in the name of selling brewskis? Many not as long as you might hope. And who wouldn't want to watch that?? Try explaining THAT to your wife, mother-in-law, or daughter....

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