May 14, 2003 5:48 AM

Hey, he can't be any worse than what have to work with now, right?

Top Ten Reasons, I, Joe Lieberman, Would Make A Great President

10. "Not only will my vice president be in an undisclosed location, I won't even reveal who he is"

9. "I know Microsoft Excel and can type 65 words a minute"

8. "I've gotten a lot of good advice from Martin Sheen"

7. "Instead of taking Air Force One, I can use all of my accumulated frequent flier miles"

6. "Saddam's a president and I'm way less nuts than he is"

5. "I will change the Constitution to guarantee every American a free DVD player"

4. "I am very comfortable in oval-shaped rooms"

3. "It just so happens Spider-Man is a close, personal friend of mine"

2. "I won't take any crap from France"

1. "Look at me. Do you honestly think there'll be a sex scandal?"

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This page contains a single entry by Jack Cluth published on May 14, 2003 5:48 AM.

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