May 15, 2003 5:23 AM

Your tax dollars at work?

Search for Klingon Interpreter Called Off

Damn, and just when I was beginning to feel fluent....

PORTLAND, Ore. - Sorry, potential Klingon interpreters.

Officials have said they won't be needing your services, after all.

The office that treats mental health patients in Multnomah County had included Klingon on a list of 55 languages that could be spoken by incoming patients.

But the inclusion of the Star Trek language drew a spate of tongue-in-cheek headlines.

And now the county has rescinded its call, stressing that it hasn't spent a penny of public money on Klingon interpretation.

"It was a mistake, and a result of an overzealous attempt to ensure that our safety net systems can respond to all customers and clients," Multnomah County chair Diane Linn said in a news release.

County officials had previously said that no patient had ever come in speaking only Klingon, but that the county would pay a Klingon interpreter in the unlikely case one was actually needed.

I imagine there were more than a few unemployed former Raelians who had been looking at this as a career opportunity. Sorry, guys....

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