July 8, 2003 5:30 AM

Greetings from Saigon....

U.S. military experts arrive in Vietnam...er, Liberia

Why does the phrase "slippery slope" keep popping into my mind? This is like deja vu all over again, isn't it? How long will be it before some reporter asks the Vietnam question? Perhaps sooner than you might think.

Navy Capt. Roger Coldiron, leader of the 32-person team, told reporters that his mission is to "assess the security environment" in the country as well as study the humanitarian needs of its 3 million people -- suffering greatly from more than a decade of civil strife.

" There is a security component," Coldiron added. "We want to be sure that whomever comes in is safe on the ground."

A decision on whether U.S. soldiers will join an intervention force shouldn't be expected today, U.S. Ambassador John W. Blaney told reporters. Coldiron said the mission would take as long as needed before making any recommendation.

Let's see- an open-ended commitment that begins with military advisers? Yep; been there, done that, lost 58,000 men and women.

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