August 27, 2003 6:14 AM

Leadership? Nah, that would be way too much work....

Poll: Few have faith in Perry, Legislature

It has been said that the electorate gets exactly the quality of representation it deserves. If that is in fact true, the voters of Texas had best lower their expectations. Then again, all of you who voted for Governor Goodhair are getting exactly what you deserve. The man's an idiot; gosh, what a shock....

AUSTIN -- The Legislature's approval ratings are at an all-time low, and Gov. Rick Perry's ratings also dropped, a new survey indicates.

The findings of the Scripps Howard Texas Poll released Tuesday indicate that the public may be punishing political leaders for the standoff over congressional redistricting.

Results of a separate Texas Poll released Monday found that Texans by a narrow margin (46 percent to 40 percent) oppose congressional redistricting, but they also strongly disagree (62 percent to 29 percent) with Democratic senators' leaving the state to dodge a redistricting vote.

A second special session on redistricting ended Tuesday with no resolution. Perry has vowed to call another session to redraw congressional lines to reflect the state's Republican majority.

Perry's approval rating dropped to 44 percent, which ties his lowest rating since he became governor in December 2001. His previous low marks were shortly after the 2002 gubernatorial election.

The governor's approval ratings have dropped 6 percentage points since June, but Perry said he's not worried.

"I get up every day and try to do what's right for the people of Texas," Perry said. "I don't wake up and fret about what a particular poll at a particular point in time says."

First of all, it's good to know that our Governor actually thinks about what he is doing. That hasn't exactly been self-evident during his term in office. Perhaps it IS time that he begin fretting about what his intransigence is doing to the political process in the state he is supposed to be leading.

However you feel about Senate Democrats convening in Albuquerque, NM, without the Governor's intransigence and refusal to discuss compromise, none of this insanity would be taking place. Clearly, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are likely to get all of what they want. Without the slash-and-burn refusal to negotiate demonstrated by Republicans (at the behest of Tom DeLay), the Legislature could actually be doing the job they were elected to do. What a novel concept....

Perhaps it's time that we look at recalling Governor Goodhair. I know; it's not a terribly original idea, but reminding him of who he is accountable to might not be such a bad idea.

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