February 8, 2004 5:35 AM

Of course, it could be just poor leadership, no?

U.S. military blames lap dances for declining military discipline

Of all the things senior officers could blame a general lack of discipline on, lap dancing wouldn't even seem to be on the list. Say what??

SEOUL – The U.S. military has asked South Korea to ban lap dancing and other lewd acts at local nightclubs near its bases, saying they negatively impact military discipline.

The officials said the military was taking similar steps at other bases in the United States and overseas against lap dancing.

The U.S. Army's 2nd Infantry Division, which has 15,000 troops near the border with North Korea, recently sent letters to the South Korean Special Tourist Association and local mayors urging a crack down on lap dancing clubs near barracks.

Describing "client-focused exotic dancing" as the principal cause of worsening military discipline, the military letter called for local club owners to "prohibit any physical contact between dancers and (U.S.) customers." South Korean lap dancing clubs are totally dependent on American customers because they are not allowed to take local clients.

U.S. officials declined to specify what they meant by worsening military discipline.

I'm certainly not about to endorse this practice, but hasn't just about every male servicemember found themselves in a strip club at one time or another? And yet, somehow, we still manage to win wars and generally kick @$$ militarily. Clearly, there is something else going on here, and it's just too bad that the 2nd Infantry Division command structure refuses to be just a wee bit more honest about their motives.

Look, guys, you've got a lot of young, lonely, randy men who are a long ways away from home in a country many of them wouldn't go to on a bet. You should be thankful that all they're doing is paying for lap dances. Things could be a whole lot worse- just ask the natives in Okinawa, where American forces have alienated the locals by dealing something less than properly with local young women.

What do you expect these guys to do with their free time- sit in their barracks and read Proust or Shakepseare's Sonnets? Give me a break here....

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