June 28, 2004 11:53 AM

Now if we could only get OUR country back....

Bush: 'Iraqi People Have Their Country Back'

So BushCo pulled a fast one and handed over (purely symbolic) sovereignty to the new Iraqi (puppet) government? Of course, the question not being asked is what exactly it is that the new Iraqi (puppet) government has (purely symbolic) sovereignty over? American troops are still the defacto authority in Iraq, regardless of what a meaningless ceremony says. Iraqi (purely symbolic) sovereignty is the ultimate misnomer. Without the heavy hand of their American (masters) benefactors, the Iraqi (puppet) government would be swallowed whole by the maelstrom of violence, car bombs, and mortar attacks, and beheadings currently sweeping the country.

If this is what passes for (purely symbolic) sovereignty, how long before Iraqis begin to pine for the days of brutal American hegemony? Hell, we'll be blamed for everything anyway, and it's not as if we're actually handing over anything resembling a country to the Iraqi (puppet) government. Take away the US military and what you have is the Wild, Wild East. So what is the difference here? I'll be damned if I know.

(Editor's Note: Paul Bremer sure left Baghdad in a hell of a hurry, didn't he?? What, was he late for a tee time at Congressional??)

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