September 13, 2004 9:13 AM

Oh, how sweet...a modern-day Romeo and Juliet

Letourneau, former student meet every day: Couple thinks about getting married, Fualaau says

I suppose we should have seen this coming. I can see the headlines now: “LOVE CONQUERS ALL!!” Whatever….

There is no amount of “happily ever after” spin that can be concocted that would legitimize this sort of relationship. Yes, both Letourneau and Fualaau are adults, and under the law have the right to shack up as they please. Still, given that this “relationship” began under the guise of child sexual abuse, you’ll have to pardon me if I’m not about to give this union my unqualified blessing.

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) — A man who had two children in the 1990s with his former sixth-grade teacher said the two have been meeting daily since her release from prison last month and would like to marry.

Mary Kay Letourneau, 42, served 7 1/2 years in prison for child rape for her relationship with Vili Fualaau, who was 12 when their relationship began at a Seattle-area school.

“We still have the same feelings for each other, times forever,” Fualaau, now 21, said in an interview to air Wednesday on “The Larry Elder Show,” a newly syndicated television show.

A judge last month granted Fualaau’s request to lift an order barring Letourneau from contacting him. He said he’s been “seeing her every day” since her release, Fualaau said.

The couple’s daughters, ages 7 and 6, are in the custody of Fualaau’s mother. Fualaau said he will seek custody of them at some point.

He said the two would have to become financially stable and work out the family court issues.

“And then I guess it would be safe to say, well, safe to get married,” he said.

Of course, for the sake of the children, it would probably be in their best interest to be part of a loving nuclear family. Perhaps something can be salvaged out of this story of a young boy and a female sexual predator. If there is a way that their children can grow up to be well-adjusted, contributing members of society, that can only be a good thing. I’m just not so certain that this is the environment for that to take place.

Even so, I’d hate to be the one to have to explain the twisted family history to these kids. Lotsa luck, y’all…you’re going to need it.

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