March 20, 2006 6:00 AM

Fiddling while Rome burns

Bush is as stubborn and clueless as ever

Bush Is Business as Usual Despite Party Grumbles

Bottom line is that Bush is completely unphased by all of it. Your president is clueless and ever so stubborn in the face of huge disasters he has both precipitated and overseen…. There is something pathological in Bush’s inability to deal with reality. He’s just never wrong in his mind. It’s really frightening and another reason why he is THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER.

There is, I suppose, something to be said for the ability to focus, to keep one’s eye on the prize while all hell breaks loose around you. After all, leadership, especially that of a President, is all about steering the ship of state into safer, calmer waters. Having said that, though, I would be remiss were I not to point out that Our Glorious Leader couldn’t lead this country out of a wet paper sack.

Yes, this IS something to be said for maintaining focus, but in the case of the Prevaricator in Chief, this quality can only adequately be explained as the willing suspension of disbelief. Or perhaps even just plain blissful ignorance. After all, when you live in a bubble, when all you see are hand-picked, thoroughly vetted audiences chosen for their blind loyalty, what else is one to think.

WASHINGTON, March 11 - Inside the White House, the staff is exhausted and the mood is defiant. Republicans are clamoring for a new chief of staff, the West Wing just cut its losses on a deal that would have given a Dubai company control of some terminal operations at six American ports, and President Bush’s approval rating is at a record low.

But senior staff members insist that Mr. Bush is in good spirits, that calls from his party to inject new blood into the White House make him ever more stubborn to keep the old, and that he has become so inured to outside criticism that he increasingly tunes it out. There is no sense of crisis, they say, even over rebellious Republicans in Congress, because the White House has been in almost constant crisis since Sept. 11, 2001, and Mr. Bush has never had much regard for Congress anyway.

“You know, people say to me, my buddies in Texas, ‘How do you handle all this stuff?’ ” Mr. Bush said at a gathering of newspaper editors Friday in Washington. “You know, it’s just after a while you get used to it.”

Right, it’s easy to ignore the problems you and your evil minions have created when you just don’t give a damn about anyone except yourself and your wealthy friends.

I suppose the “F—k ‘em…let ‘em go pound sand” attitude is a great way to keep the stress to a manageable level, but it’s a hell of a way to run a railroad- or in this case a government. Our Glorious Leader has increasly come to be seen as the Republican version of the “Boy in the bubble”, a leader who lives in a thoroughly sanitized environment protected from any negative influences and bad vibes. Civil war in Iraq? Rising gas prices? New Orleans and the Gulf Coast in a shambles? Seniors thoroughly frazzled over the new Medicare drug “benefit”? Mere background noise if you want it to be…and apparently he does.

“They have a transmitter but not a listening device,” said one well-known Republican with close ties to the administration who gets calls from White House staff members. “They’ll say, ‘What are you hearing, what’s going on?’ You tell them things aren’t good on the Hill, you’ve got problems here, you’ve got problems there, or ‘I was in Detroit and boy did I get an earful.’ And their answer is, ‘Everybody’s just reading the headlines, we’ve got to get our message out better.’ There’s denial going on, and it starts at the top.”

The bottom line, Republicans say, is that the war continues to overshadow the domestic agenda that Mr. Bush put forth in January in a State of the Union address that was supposed to reinvigorate his presidency.

“Roughly one out of three people say that the country is on the wrong track, and the reason they give is the Iraq war,” said Bill McInturff, a leading Republican pollster. “How will that situation be changed unless Iraq is resolved in the next few months? So the White House can do all the good things they’re doing with renewable energy and health care and all their other initiatives, but that doesn’t move that chunk of people with very hardened attitudes.”

Since stealing the 2000 election taking office, George W. Bush has virtually turned this country on it’s ear, preaching small government while presiding over the largest expansion of government (and the deficit) in our nation’s history. He has used 9.11 as a pretext and justification for virtually every aspect of his agenda, most of which has turned into an all-out clusterf—k. Yet somehow, the man that 51% of the American sheeple voted for in 2004 seems oblivious to it all. He is able to tune out the bad news, ignore the inconvenient, and focus on what he believes to be reality. The problem is that his “reality” is nothing of the sort.

Meanwhile, American soldiers continue to die and be maimed in the pointless clusterf—k that is the war in Iraq. With no apparent plan and even less direction, it appears that we will be there for some time, because no one, least of all Our Glorious Leader, has a clue as to how to wind things down.

Congratulations, America! You have EXACTLY the quality of leadership you deserve. NOW can we impeach the ignorant, lying b@$t@rd??

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