August 12, 2006 6:57 AM

Another DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener

Bonehead bigot commissioners tossed out in Tennessee

Flag snatcher

Manifest Destiny

June Griffin Charged With Stealing Mexican Flag From Dayton Business

DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener #418: June Griffin

More recently, there was the incident at the Mexican grocery where you were arrested for teaching the store owners a lesson in American history. Yes, I understood what you were doing even if the police didn’t. They called it theft of a Mexican flag, but we both know you were teaching them about Manifest Destiny, the belief that God commands white Christians to free brown people from the burdens of property ownership.

June Griffin is one of the reasons the DUMB@$$ AWARDS have become such a integral part of the Internet landscape. A bigoted, self-righteous, homophobic troll so caught up in the righteousness of her cause that she cannot recognize what a @#$%^)& moron she is, Griffin is a DUMB@$$ if ever there was one.

Lord, save us from your followers….

Hainvg apparently forgotten the Sunday School admonitions to love others as yourself, Griffin has set about her self-appointed task of demonstrating that this world is of, by, and for White Christians.

The history of our great nation is populated with people like June Griffin, people of strong backbone and even stronger convictions, who toiled selflessly to ensure that Amerika would become the exclusive haven and playground for rich, White Christians that God always intended it to be. For many, like Griffin, the battle has been a lonely and unpopular one, but greatness is not achieved by taking the path most travelled. No, unburdened by doubt and completely convinced of the righteousness of her holy cause, Griffin has plowed ahead undaunted, identifiying and shredding godlessness, homosexuality, and anti-American behavior wherever it rears its ugly head. I just had no idea there was so much out there.

Where would good, god-fearing White Christians be without brave, selfless souls like June Griffin to fight our battles and protect our virtue for us? Well, y’all would be be reduced to watching re-runs of The 700 Club or reading old Fraulein Gasraum coulmns for entertainment. Booorrrrring….

Conservative political activist June Griffin has been arrested for the theft of a Mexican flag from a Dayton business. The 67-year-old Ms. Griffin, who ran for Congress in the recent election, is facing misdemeanor charges of theft, vandalism and harassment and felony charges of civil rights violations.

Ms. Griffin, who said it is the first time she has ever been arrested, posted a $5,000 bond.

She said on July 18 she had noticed a small Mexican flag at an Hispanic grocery in the former Rogers Drug Store. She stated, “I went in and there was nothing English in the store. There was one man who could not speak a word of English.”

She said she was outraged about the Mexican flag, saying it was an “act of war” and it “insulted my citizenship.” Ms. Griffin said as the Hispanic man watched, she tore off the flag from where it was suctioned to the building and left with it.

She said, “Foreigners should learn English or leave.”

Of course, Griffin’s brave assault on this foreign interloper is only a small part of her heroic cause. She has also taken it as her personal crusade to rid her home, Rhea County, Tennessee, of the scourge of homosexuality. It’s a retail crusade, and one that she wholeheartedly embraces as her right and duty as a good White Christian woman. After all, it’s about the children, no?

It’s a lot of work asking 40,000 people if they’re possessed by the evil spirit that is homosexuality, but it seems that June Griffin is up to the task.

Mrs. Griffin said she did not believe there are any gays living in Rhea County. She said, “Anyone I ever suspect, I go up and ask them directly.” She said anyone she had asked had denied it.

But Daniel Shipley said he lives in Graysville near the Hamilton County line and is “gay and proud of it.” He walked up to June Griffin and said, “Honey, I’m gay and I want you to know I’m dressed as good as you.” Mr. Shipley said there are “a lot of gays in Rhea County.”

One man at the brief meeting said the commission “kicked a hornet nest. They’ve made a laughingstock of Rhea County.”

A man from Dunlap, who had a truck with anti-gay writing on it, was passing out tracts. The truck said, “Sodomites Don’t Produce, They Recruit.”

No, June Griffin hasn’t made a laughingstock of Rhea County…she’s made a laughingstock of herself, but then pioneers are often ridiculed as they pursue their selfless battles. I would imagine that good and decent people are by for the majority- albeit a relatively silent one. Unfortunately, loud, shameless bigotry and the knuckle-dragging troglodytes who preach it tend to attract a lot of attention. Everyone love a circus freak, right?

Thankfully, most people will recognize June Griffin or the unreconstructed DUMB@$$ she truly is. They will also recognize that the “Christianity” she stands for is nothing of the sort. Being that this is still (nominally, at least) a free country, Griffin is free to hold whatever beliefs she chooses and to peddle them to unbelievers and heathen scum if she is so inclined,,,and she clearly is. Good and decent people are free to recognize her hate-filled lunacy for what it is, and laugh off her bigoted, mean-spirited Christianity as the ranting of a hatred-fueled DUMB@$$.

OK, so she’s no Chante Mallard, but June Griffin still has holds a hallowed place in DUMB@$$ AWARD history. It’s just too bad she can’t find a way to focus all of that energy and hatred on something constructive.

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