August 22, 2006 6:08 AM

Another DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener

The war at home

Man Protests at Home of Muslim Candidate

BALTIMORE, August 13 - A protester staked out the home of a Muslim candidate for the Maryland House of Delegates, holding a sign and wearing a T-shirt that mocked Islam. Timothy Truett sat in a folding chair Saturday on the cul-de-sac outside Saqib Ali’s home in Gaithersburg with a sign reading “Islam sucks,” and a shirt with the slogan, “This mind is an Allah-free zone.”

DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener #425: Timothy Truett

Ah, America…land of the free, home of the brave, a land that opens it arms wide to all…ah, fugeddaboudit. Who am I kidding?? No, if you’re Muslim, if you’re one of those swarthy, brown, unshaven sorts Who Don’t Think, Look, Act, and/or Believe Like Us, you’d best just remember your place…and it’s not at the head of the line. Capice? And I know just the DUMB@$$ to remind you of your place on this country’s theological food chain.

Man, there are times when the DUMB@$$ AWARDs almost nominate and awards itself, eh? This one was a no-brainer, a troll so convinced of his own rectitude that he clearly never bothered to consider the possibly that his public display of bigotry and intolerance might just label him an unrepentant DUMB@$$. Yes, indeed; this one was just WAY too easy.

Yes, this is a free country, and yes, as I’ve often said, free speech is often objectionable speech, but when you stake out a place in front of a man’s home and belittle him because of his religion…well, Mr. DUMB@$$, you can can go to the head of the line.

In the meantime, someone may want to give some thought to explaining the concept of “freedom of religion” to this mentally-challenged knuckle-dragging Truett. Of course, that would require him actually engaging in something closely resembling critical thinking- and he might just pull something, since he clearly hasn’t used that portion of his brain since the Reagan Administration.

Holding an opinion- even an offensive and thoroughly objectionable one- is one thing. It’s quite another to put it out there in front of God and everybody. I mean, why not just put up a neon sign that says:


Like my daddy used to tell me: “Son, Jesus loves you. Unfortunately, the rest of us think you’re an asshole.”

Truett called his protest “an experiment,” explaining: “I had heard that Muslims were generally intolerant of views other than their own, and so I thought I would put it to the test.”

Ali took several photographs of Truett but refused to speak to him, saying he did not get the impression that Truett wanted to start a constructive dialogue.

“We don’t waste our time talking to people who hate us,” Ali said Sunday.

Truett said he did not think the sign or the T-shirt expressed a message of hate.

“It’s an opinion,” he said. “I don’t think there’s anything intrinsically hateful about it.”

Right…and I suppose next week you’ll be across the street from Ali’s home, setting up a kiosk that will feature beer and pork barbeque?? Yessirree…if you look up “DUMB@$$” in the dictionary, there will be a picture of Timothy Truett next to the definition.

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