August 3, 2006 6:09 AM

Because for the Right the truth is whatever best serves their purpose.

Following Powerline, Washington Times Falsely Claims Dingell Refuses To ‘Condemn Hezbollah’

Yesterday, the right-wing blog Powerline posted a chopped audio clip from a July 30 interview to smear Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) as a Hezbollah apologist. This morning, the Washington Times follows their lead….

Call me naive, but I’ve always believed that the best way to get what you want is to be honest and above board. Lies and deception require way too much work to keep track of and perpetuate…unless, of course, you’re a Republican, in which case lies and deception are second nature. It’s what’s for breakfast.

Just when I think that there is nothing Republicans could POSSIBLY do to sink any lower, I discover that this truly is a barrel with no bottom. The latest example of the Right’s willingness to sacrifice the truth to score political points? Chopping up a quote from a Democratic Congressman (John Dingell of Michigan) to make it look as if he supports Hezbollah (Godd—n terrorist lovin’, bleedin’ heart Librul….). Yeah, it’s shameless and dishonest, but you’ll rarely, if ever, hear “truth” and “Right-wing media” used in the same sentence. No shock there, eh??

Of course, I suppose when you’re determined to tear someone down, the truth only gets in the way:

Here’s what Mr. Dingell had to say to a reporter in Detroit the other day during a television program: “I don’t take sides for or against Hezbollah; I don’t take sides for or against Israel.” When asked if he really wasn’t “against Hezbollah,” Mr. Dingell replied, “No.”

Part of what’s behind Mr. Dingell’s appalling refusal to condemn Hezbollah are the tens of thousands of Muslims, mostly Shi’ites, living in his Michigan district.

Taken at face value, which is what the trolls are assuming (and rightly so) that most sheeple will do (and they will), Dingell’s comment is inexcusable…except for one thing- he never made it. Here’s what Dingell actually DID say:

Q: You’re not against Hezbollah?

DINGELL: No, I happen to be — I happen to be against violence, I think the United States has to bring resolution to this matter. Now, I condemn Hezbollah as does everybody else, for the violence.

Hmm…conveniently enough, neither Powerline nor the Washington Times happened to own up to the fact that they were not using the full quote from Dingell. Of course, from their point of view, I suppose that hardly matters. What DOES matter is that they were able to make a Democratic Congressman look bad, knowing full well that the vast majority of sheeple reading their sorry attempt at “journalism” will unquestioningly adopt their version as the truth. In doing so, Dingell will be tried and convicted for something he never even said.

If you think about it, this is a brilliant, if despicable strategy. You simply pick and choose whatever it is that you need from a quote, frame it in a way that will provide maximum traction, and then sit back and watch the fun begin. It’s fun being a Republican, isn’t it??

Then again, if you really think about it, there ought to be a special place in Hell for Right-wing knuckle-dragging troglodytes like this.

Truth is for losers (i.e.- Democrats)….

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This page contains a single entry by Jack Cluth published on August 3, 2006 6:09 AM.

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