December 14, 2006 6:07 AM

Another DUMB@$$ AWARD wiener

Muslim Ellison should not sit in Congress

Religious right leader, Republican politician Roy Moore, says American Muslims are not fit for US Congress

DUMB@$$ AWARD wieners #492: Roy Moore

Last month Keith (Hakim Mohammad) Ellison of Minnesota became the first Muslim elected to serve in the United States Congress and shocked many Americans by declaring that he would take his oath of office by placing his hand on the Quran rather than the Bible. Can a true believer in the Islamic doctrine found in the Quran swear allegiance to our Constitution? Those who profess a sincere belief in Allah say “no!”….Enough evidence exists for Congress to question Ellison’s qualifications to be a member of Congress as well as his commitment to the Constitution in view of his apparent determination to embrace the Quran and an Islamic philosophy directly contrary to the principles of the Constitution. But common sense alone dictates that in the midst of a war with Islamic terrorists we should not place someone in a position of great power who shares their doctrine. In 1943, we would never have allowed a member of Congress to take their oath on “Mein Kampf,” or someone in the 1950s to swear allegiance to the “Communist Manifesto.” Congress has the authority and should act to prohibit Ellison from taking the congressional oath today!

Man, I had NO idea modern Christianity was based on such rampant ignorance, hatred, and self-righteous self-superiority. And all this time I’d been holding out hope that there were at least a few Christians out there who aren’t total, complete hate-filled trolls.

Well, thankfully there are a few decent Christians out there (and I’m married to one), but why is it that idiots like Roy Moore get to portray themselves as representing ANYTHING about Christianity? If Roy Moore is a Christian, then I’m the Queen of England (and I look TERRIBLE in a tiara and gloves). Moore’s ignorant, hate-addled theology of fear is as much about the teachings of Jesus Christ as Andrew Dice Clay is about equal opportunity for women.

And since when is this a “Christian” country? Yes, America is a country in which the majority profess to be Christians, but it’s also a country of Jews, Atheist, Buddhists, Scientologists, and Packers fans…among other flavors and variations. Oddly enough, America was founded by people fleeing what they perceived as religious persecution. It’s just too bad that religious DUMB@$$E$ like Roy Moore (yes, THAT Roy Moore, the one who tried to put the 10 Pretty Good Ideascommandments in that there Alabama courthouse) seems to have forgotten that little historical reality.

And just where in the Hell does Moore get off thinking that he has the right to advocate that an ELECTED Congressman should be denied his seat in Congress because…wait for it…HE’S A PRACTICING MUSLIM? Minnesota’s Keith Ellison was elected by his constituents- who knew full well of his religious faith- and NO ONE, especially not some quasi-religious nutjob like Roy Moore, has the right to deny him his seat. Period. End of story. Any questions?

And where does it state that a Congressman must take the oath of office using a Bible? I’ll tell you where…nowhere. Nowhere does it state that an elected Congressman must use ANYTHING while taking the oath of office. Personally, if I’m ever elected to Congress, I plan on taking the oath on a stack of Captain America comic books…and then I’m going to count the seconds until Roy Moore’s head explodes.

Jeebus…what a @$!#%^& DUMB@$$….

To support the Constitution of the United States one must uphold an underlying principle of that document, liberty of conscience, which is the right of every person to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience, without interference by the government. Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story, in his “Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States” in 1833, observed concerning the First Amendment that “The rights of conscience are, indeed, beyond the just reach of any human power. They are given by God and cannot be encroached upon by human authority without a criminal disobedience of the precepts of natural, as well as revealed religion.” Justice Story echoed the sentiments of Thomas Jefferson in his Bill for Religious Freedom in 1777 in which he stated that “Almighty God” (El Shaddai in Hebrew) “hath created the mind free and manifested His supreme will that free it shall remain by making it altogether insusceptible of restraint.” It was a specific God who endowed us with a freedom of conscience with which government could not interfere.

OK, but even if it was a “specific” God…there’s nothing in Moore’s argument that means or requires that this “God” is a Christian God. If the Constitution truly upholds the right of every person to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience, then shouldn’t we be able to take that statement at face value? Shouldn’t every person be able to worship (or not) as he or she sees fit?

What truly disturbs me about Moore’s foaming-at-mouth diatribe is the implicit reality that, post-9.11, hatred of Islam and those who practice it is almost de riguer. No longer is the hatred of Muslims considered anything particularly unusual. Indeed, it’s quite acceptable and not at all problematic in some circles. Isn’t it interesting that this hatred is only directed at Muslims? At no time after Timothy McVeigh, a White Christian, bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City has ANYONE advocated hatred and persecution directed specifically against Christians. Selective ignorance? Sure. Hypocritical. Without a doubt. Typical of a “Christian” ignoramus like Roy Moore? Udamnbetcha.

I could go on, but if you really want to, you can read Moore’s rant for yourself. Knock yourself out. Personally, I’m sick to death of self-righteous, hateful “Christians” like Roy Moore, who clearly knows nothing of the teachings of Jesus Christ, acting as if they have any moral authority whatsoever.

What would Jesus do? Well, if he were here, I’d wager that he’d kick Roy Moore’s bony, self-righteous ass from here until next week.

Hey, a man can dream, can’t he??

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