March 23, 2007 6:56 AM

Surely you can understand that we're shallow and superficial...and stop calling me Shirley!!

Are you hot? If not, no use visiting this site: Dating Web site targets ‘fit, good-looking’ people

TRENTON, New Jersey - Jason Pellegrino (an 8.2 on the attractiveness scale) says the problem with Internet dating services is not enough really hot-looking people. So he and a business partner have created, a sort of online version of Studio 54, the exclusive ’70s disco where gaining admission was a pitiless Darwinian exercise. is for “fit, good-looking” people. Prospective members must submit pictures and must be rated an 8 or higher by people already in the club. Once they are in, they are permitted to e-mail other “hotties” for $9.95 a month.

Of course I can laugh at this, because…well, let’s be honest; I’d rate about a 2.7 on the “arm candy” scale. So, not being in any danger of having to invoke the “Groucho Marx rule” (“I’d never join any club that would have me as a member”), I can ridicule to my heart’s content.

I suppose I shouldn’t be too hard on Pellegrino’s collection of physical elitists. It’s not like is the only dating website that caters to singles from interest groups based on purely superficial qualities. There are sites for the rich, sites for Liberals, sites for Conservatives, sites, for Christians, and sites for Jews. So why not for the beautiful and the genetically gifted?

If you accept the old saw that there’s a lid for every pot, then is just one more way for a pot to find a propsective lid. Sure, physical attractiveness and a six-pack are hardly recipes for a long and meaningful relationship, but whatever gets you through the night, eh?

Part of me wants to try and join, just to see what my rating would be. Frankly, I’d be happy just to score in positive numbers.

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