May 29, 2007 6:09 AM

When lies are the currency you trade in, this is about what you can expect

In a blatant lie, Cheney tells West Point grads they’ll have the equipment and supplies they need

[T]he Bush administration refused to provide IED-proof vehicles that troops in Iraq desperately wanted. Think Progress has the video of a last night’s CBS News report on “the outrageous delay” in getting the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles to Iraq. These types of stories about sending troops to the Iraq war without proper equipment have been pervasive. Yet, today, Dick Cheney had the audacity to assure the graduating class at West Point that he and George Bush would make sure they had “all the equipment, supplies, manpower, training and support” they needed for “victory.” Note to West Point grads: Just because Dick Cheney says something doesn’t mean it’s true. On this one, Cheney is lying to the future soldiers and all Americans….

I know; it’s a variation on a very old joke, but how DO you tell when Dick Cheney’s lying? As soon as his lips begin moving, you’ll know. Can there be anything more egregiously dishonest than telling a group of eager IED fodder 2nd Lieutenants that they’ll have everything they need to fight the war in Iraq? This from a man who has helped to ensure that the war has been fought on the cheap since Day One? Or does Cheney honestly believe that he and the rest of the government have done everything they possibly can to provide, equip, and train the men and women expected to fight (and, in some cases, die) in Iraq?

Hey, it’s not like he has to worry about losing a loved one to a roadside bomb, right? As long as the children of others are doing the fighting and dying, where’s the urgency?

When 1,106 young Americans have been killed by IEDs, how can Cheney honestly say that everything is being done to equip and protect them? It’s one thing to die in combat, defending your country. It’s something else altogether when a soldier is brutally murdered by a roadside bomb, placed there by an unseen enemy. IS everything possible being done? The fact that Dick Cheney, this Administration’s attack dog, is still given free reign to spread his lies and propaganda talking points should tell you everything you need to know about the answer to that question. When you can say that everything’s being done, and when you repeat the lie often and loud enough, eventually you begin to believe it yourself. I would imagine that Cheney long ago convinced himself that our troops are getting absolutely everything they need to complete their mission…whatever in the Hell it actually is.

Now can we impeach the lying bastard??

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