August 24, 2007 7:22 AM

Somewhere, Josef Goebbels is smiling

Gather round, kids, ‘cuz today’s lesson is going to be about Astroturf. No, I’m not talking about the stuff that NFL players in the ’70s and ’80s blew out their knees on. I’m talking about a political organization masquerading as a grass-roots movement (in this case, Freedom’s Watch) while in actuality being a front for a political party or an industry group. As you might imagination, Republicans and the Bush White House are BIG fans of Astroturf…because when you control the propaganda, you control the masses. Given that Our Glorious and Benevolent Leader © and his neoConservative thugs wouldn’t recognize the truth if it showed up with a tube of Astroglide and a battery-powered concrete dildo, Astroturf serves their needs perfectly. Hey, when trafficking in the truth only serves to point out what a corrupt collection of moral misfits you are, what else is left to you but lies and propaganda?

This Administration doesn’t even have the moral integrity or the decency to attempt to hide the propaganda they’re putting forward. No, they don’t care that those paying attention have figured out their plan, because they know that the vast majority of the American sheeple aren’t paying attention and, even worse, don’t much care. When they can win over the ignorant and the inattentive masses, why would they care that a few political opponents are on to their game?

Astroturf…it’s not just for football games anymore….

Freedom’s Watch is a new White House front group…of prominent conservatives mascarading as a grassroots movement (i.e. astroturf) which began a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign on August 22, 2007 “to urge members of Congress who may be wavering in their support for the war in Iraq not to ‘cut and run’.”

Freedom’s Watch is merely the latest Astroturf organization funded and put forward by this Administration in their never-ending drive to thoroughly propagandize the American sheeple. The name creates the impression that freedom is at the top of this organization’s hit parade. In fact, Freedom’s Watch exist solely to advance the Administration’s stated goal of keeping troops in Iraq until the last American soldier in Iraq comes home in a box victory is achieved…whatever that means.

To achieve it’s ends, Freedom’s Watch is not above using the worst sort of lies and propaganda. Though The Worst President EVER © has admitted that there is NO connection between Iraq and 9.11, his propaganda machine apparently never got the memo. Check out this video, and you’ll see what I mean. How can the people who produce this propaganda live with themselves? That they would use a mother’s grief (and that this mother would willingly participate) not only insults the memory of all our fallen soldiers, it looks just plain desperate and thoroughly unprincipled.

Vicki Strong ought to be ashamed of herself for willingly becoming a propaganda mouthpiece for the most corrupt and dishonest Admiinistration in this nation’s history. By using the death of her son to display her astounding ignorance and her willingness to peddle falsehoods and propaganda, she has not only sullied her son’s memory, but she has betrayed everything that this country stands for. THERE IS AND NEVER HAS BEEN ANY DEMONSTRATED CONNECTION BETWEEN IRAQ AND 9.11. IRAQ HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE WAR AGAINST TERRORISM…and yet Vicki Strong is willing to use the pointless sacrifice of her son to shill for this Administration’s shameless propaganda. I can think of no more offensive way to sully the memory of your dead child than to serve as a mouthpiece for the very lies and propaganda that ultimately sent Marine Sgt. Jesse Strong home in a box.

So, how’s that “restoring honor and dignity to the White House” thing working out for you??

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