October 12, 2007 5:16 AM

Yes, but it was all in the service of our Lord...and at least he was using protection


Dead Reverend’s Rubber Fetish. Autopsy: Pastor found in wet suits after autoerotic mishap

Death Of Montgomery Minister Deeply Affects Snowdoun Pastor

An Alabama minister who died in June of ‘accidental mechanical asphyxia’ was found hogtied and wearing two complete wetsuits, including a face masks, diving gloves and slippers, rubberized underwear, and a head mask according to an autopsy report.

When a police report contains the phrase, “There is a dildo in the anus covered with a condom.”, you know that things are about to get very wierd very quickly. Something tells me that the good Rev. Aldridge wasn’t preparing his sermon for the coming Sunday…at least not in the way that most ministers would prepare. Then again, sometimes a guy’s just gotta unwind…knowwhutimean??

I realize that this sort of deviant behavior has nothing to do with Christianity. It has everything to do with being wired differently than your average bear and being willing to using Christianity as cover for your own personal perversion. Hey, we all have things that we might not want to become public knowledge, right? Some are just a wee bit stranger than others…and if you’re an Evangelical minister…well, let’s just say that most folks are going to understandably hold you to a higher standard of conduct.

Hmm…methinks that being found dead with a dildo in your butt might just be something that falls short of meeting that higher standard….

Investigators determined that Rev. Gary Aldridge’s death was not caused by foul play and that the 51-year-old pastor of Montgomery’s Thorington Road Baptist Church was alone in his home at the time he died…. Aldridge served as the church’s pastor for 16 years. Immediately following his death, church officials issued a press release asking community members to “please refrain from speculation” about what led to Aldridge’s demise, adding that, “we will begin the healing process under the strong arm of our Savior, Jesus Christ.”

Right; ‘cuz it was strong arm of someone else that brought Brother Aldridge’s untimely demise. We can only hope he died with a smile on his face….

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