February 25, 2008 6:23 AM

Desperate is as desperate does

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is on its last legs after suffering a string of defeats to her rival Barack Obama. Clinton made the decision to go negative in an effort to halt Obama’s rising momentum. Today, Clinton was at a campaign rally in Providence, Rhode Island, and she mocked Obama and his message of hope and change in a very theatrical, over-the-top manner.

OK, I’m officially sick of this crap. Hillary Clinton has discovered that she can’t nick Barack Obama by normal means (i.e- positive campaigning), so now she’s decided to go negative. Classy, eh? If you can’t beat ‘em, tear ‘em down…which really only goes to demonstrate how unworthy Hillary Clinton is of being the Democratic nominee at this point. How bad have things become for Clinton? Well, you know you’re sucking wind when Bill Kristol is offering advice (“I recommend the politics of fear”…hey, it worked for Our Glorious and Benevolent Leader © ….)

If Sen. Clinton had even a shred of decency, she would bow out of the race now rather than turning it into a an exercise in character assassination. Of course, she’s given no indication that she recognizes the damage she’s doing to Democratic prospects in November. Every dollar and every epithet pointlessly directed at Barack Obama takes away from the energy and resolve that will be needed to defeat John McCain this fall. And yet Clinton continues to soldier on, blithely unaware that she’s becoming a drag upon the Democratic Party.

Say goodnight, Hillary; it’s time to bow out gracefully while you can still maintain some dignity and class. What you’re doing now is beneath you and serves no useful purpose except to feed your ego. Is that really what you think this country needs??

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