February 14, 2008 5:24 AM

If you find yourself wondering why Christians have a reputation for bigotry and racism....

Barack Hussein Obama is an African-American who has not shared the black American experience and, by birth and blood, a Muslim for at least 31 years. His politics are rooted in Marx and socialism. He is a master at shaping his own mythology and completely unqualified to be Commander in Chief.

Man, this is just about the most retarded thing I’ve heard from anyone from the Religious Right in quite some time. How does one camouflage the fact that they’re a self-righteous, racist pig? It’s simple, really; all you have to do is construct a straw man argument attacking a Presidential candidate because his middle name happens to be Hussein and his family tree happens to shelter a few Muslims. To say that the person behind this is beyond worthy of some serious ridicule would be a serious understatement.

I try very hard not to engage in name-calling, ‘cuz Lord knows there’s enough of that floating around da Interweb these days without me adding to the silliness. Nonetheless, I’m going to make an exception here. Johnny Embry is an idiot, plain and simple. I can accept the reality that his beliefs are different than mine; that’s not the problem. What IS the problem is that Embry feels perfectly justified in weaving half-truths, innuendo, racism, and outright lies into a barely-coherent diatribe against Barack Obama.

Embry’s thesis seems to be that the mere fact that Obama was exposed to Islam, to whatever degree that’s true, makes him unworthy of being President. Worse, it makes him a borderline terrorist with the insidious and implicit goal of toppling the US government and installing the Caliphate in the Capitol building. Hey, his middle name is Hussein; what more do you need to know?

This sort of pseudo-Christian racist crap is beyond insulting. It impugns the very notion that the United States of America is an ethnically and religiously diverse nation, one that is ostensibly officially tolerant of that diversity. I could ignore Embry’s incoherent babbling if he was alone in his astonishing ignorance. The problem is that Embry is by no means a lone voice in the wilderness. As November 4th draws closer, we’ll undoubtedly hear more of this ignorant, unmedicated silliness. It would be laughable…if the progenitors of this mindless crap didn’t take themselves and their rampant ignorance so seriously.

Apparently, it’s true. Stoopid is as stoopid does…and it doesn’t get much stoopider that Johnny Embry.

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