April 21, 2008 2:15 AM

And I suppose being a researcher on this project required a few bloodtests along the way?

Anyone who lives here in Portland understands that the cost of living is a fair bit higher than in, say...oh, I don't know...Houston? Try buying a house here and then tell me you have no idea what I'm talking about...unless, I suppose, you just moved here from southern California.

There is one thing in Portland whose cost seems to compare favorably with other cities around the country. Yes, if you're looking for a hooker or other "sexual services", Portland ranked third out of 43 markets surveyed, ranking behing only Providence, RI, and Toledo, OH. Portland is also apparently significantly below the US average for such...um, "services" (and well below the average cost in Houston). Now, I have no idea how this survey was conducted (but my hat's off to those brave men who sacrificed their libido for the cause of science), but somehow they were able to determine the average costs for these "services" in 43 different markets during the period between 10.1.07 - 12.31.07. Nice work, y'all....

Uh...yeah; I think I'll just have to take their word on this one.... ;-)

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This page contains a single entry by Jack Cluth published on April 21, 2008 2:15 AM.

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