April 21, 2008 4:56 AM

Another fine product of our public school system

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) -- A high school senior collected enough supplies to carry out a bomb attack on his school and detailed the plot in a hate-filled diary that included maps of the building and admiring notations about the Columbine killers, authorities said Sunday. Ryan Schallenberger, 18, was arrested Saturday after his parents called police when 10 pounds of ammonium nitrate was delivered to their home in Chesterfield and they discovered the journal, said the town's police chief, Randall Lear.

OK...for those of you planning to blow up your high school, here's a hint: you might want to think twice about having that 10 lbs. of ammonium nitrate Fedexed to your house. Yes, I realize that this sort of thing is no laughing matter, but Jeebus Krispix, people...how stupid do you have to be...?

Clearly, someone hadn't thought their cunning plan all the way through....

Man, when I was in school, my idea of violence was a snowball fight. Kids brought rifles to school if they were going hunting after classes let out. Knives were used for slicing mystery meat in the cafeteria. When, and how, did this train jump the tracks so badly?

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