May 3, 2008 7:54 AM

Then again, "gotcha" is a helluva lot more fun than having a rational discussion

While Clinton has hammered Obama for supporting military strikes in Pakistan, her comments on Iran are much more far-reaching. She seems not to realize that she undermined Iranian reformists and pragmatists. The Iranian people have been more favorable to America than any other in the Gulf region or the Middle East. A presidential candidate who lightly commits to obliterating Iran - and, presumably, all the children, parents, and grandparents in Iran - should not be answering the White House phone at any time of day or night.

Ironic, isnt' it, how some stories seem to get beaten beyond death, while others seem to get swept under the rug. Jeremiah Wright (and Sen. Barack Obama's relationship with him) is analyzed up one side and down the other, parsed to the Nth degree as if his words are somehow indicative of Obama's true, deep-seated hatred of America. Meanwhile, HRC's comments about nuking Iran go virtually unnoticed and almost completely unanalyzed. Being the rational sort that I am, I've got to ask which comments are really more important? If you have to think about that one for more than a nanosecond, I'd suggest that you just go ahead and turn in your voter's registration card now and beat the rush.

There was a time when I strongly believed in and supported Sen. Clinton's candidacy. Once upon a time, I possessed nothing but boundless respect for her. Now, whenever I see her smug, smiling countenance on television, it's all I can do not to throw my iPhone at the screen. Sadly, I'm by no means the only Liberal Democrat who feels this way about our "once inevitable" 2008 standard-bearer. HRC has demonstrated herself to be just another "win at any and all costs" politician, willing to do whatever it takes in order to win. Lie, cheat, propagandize, suck up to the far Right...there seems no limit to the depths to which HRC will plumb in order to become President. I've got no problem with ambition, but I can't stomach HRC's brand of self-righteous, "I'll do whatever it takes to win" campaign rhetoric. Apparently, the only votes that count for her are the ones that she can spin into her column.

Caucus states? Those aren't votes, they were flash mobs infiltrated by Obama how can they represent the will of the people? Michigan? Sure, both candidates signed a statement agreeing that Michigan's primary would not count, because the state Democratic party went against DNC rule in moving up it's primary date. HRC has long since seen the light, though, recognizing that Michigan voters are being shafted...and she's willing to forego her previous pledge for the "greater good"- and the accompanying delegates.

HRC's sit-down with Bill O'Reilly is merely the most recent evidence of her desire to explore any path that might help her secure the Democratic nomination. Her dalliance with Richard Melloon Scaife, who donated millions in an effort to impeach her husband cements for me the reality that HRC has no scruples or loyalty beyond her own self-interest.

If HRC somehow manages to steal the Democratic nomination, I'm not at all certain how I will vote come November. While I'd sooner be stripped naked, covered in honey, and staked to a west Texas fire ant bed than vote for John McCain, I don't know that I could swallow my bile long enough to vote for HRC. Let's face reality, shall we? The woman has come to personify the worst sort of political dishonesty and self-interest...and it saddens me even more when I look back to the time when I was one of her most honest supporters. Now I find myself wishing she'd just go to Hell...and soon. If she had even the barest remaining shred of decency and dignity, she'd recognize what a running joke she's become. Sadly, it seems that for HRC self-awareness runs a distant second to self-interest.

May she slowly roast over an open flame in the Hell of her own creation....

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