October 22, 2009 5:14 AM

Today's signs that the Apocalypse is upon us

....Read this story. Then go home and hug your spouse or "significant other". Tell them how much you love them. Seriously. I mean it.

....It's not exactly a stretch to understand that our tax dollars shouldn't be used to prosecute and persecute medical marijuana patients. Thankfully, the Department of Justice is finally losing its "Reefer Madness" mentality.

....The Most Egregious Fox News Distortions. Man, where and how do you begin sifting such a mountain of Right-wing propaganda?

....Ah, so calling someone a cheap Jew- but in a good way- is NOT good thing...unless you're a clueless White Republican who lives in South Carolina?

....White House Push-Back Against Fox Has Nothing To Do With "News". Uh, probably because Fox Noise Channel has nothing to do with "News".

....Defense Department Opposed Franken's Anti-Rape Amendment. Ah, what the Hell. Women are property, anyway...right??

....So, when is net neutrality a cleverly concealed and camouflaged attack on free speech? When Glenn Beck say it is, silly wabbit....

....Proposed Army Program Will Encourage Soldiers to Look On The Bright Side of Combat. Cheer up, soldier! You're killing people who really, REALLY need to be killed. ;-)

....As if we needed more proof that hypocrisy is the one truly universal Republican value, say hello to Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), who couldn't define "shame" if you gave him a dictionary opened to the definition.

....Joe Arpaio: power mad despot or mean-spirited, woman-hating ideologue? Ah, what the Hell. Women are property, anyway...right??

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This page contains a single entry by Jack Cluth published on October 22, 2009 5:14 AM.

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