May 27, 2010 4:50 AM

If you can't win with facts, lies and fear-mongering are always good options


(apologies to Keith Olbermann)

Peter Sprigg

Here’s how the Family Research Council envisions things going if Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is repealed: first, more straight soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines will be fellated in their sleep against their will. Then, commanders afraid of being labeled homophobes will refuse to do anything about it. Eventually, the straight service members will quit out of fear. On a conference call with reporters today, FRC Senior Fellow for Policy Studies Peter Sprigg delivered the results of what he said was the first-ever study of “homosexual assault” in the military. Joined by several former military officers opposed to allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the armed forces, he warned Congress that the DADT repeal language currently under discussion with the agreement of the White House will turn the U.S. military into a terrifying free-rape zone where no heterosexual is safe.

The latest communique from the “Christian Charity and Tolerance” Department….

I almost don’t even know where to start…other than to roundly condemn Peter Sprigg for demonstrating that Christianity can be used as a club against a class of people who mostly just want to be left alone to live and love as they choose.

Perhaps most offensive about Spriggs’ campaign to maintain Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell as official policy is his selective use of lies, damned lies, and statistics to make what he’s clearly convinced himself is a sound, empirical argument.

Hey, it can’t be hatred if the numbers back you up…right??

In Spriggs’ world, homosexuals are seeking to aggressively prey on good, God-fearing heterosexuals. Yes, no straight soldier would be safe from the predations of craven gays looking to get their schwerve on…often by any means necessary. The most common type of homosexual assault, according to Sprigg? That’s easy…it’s “one in which the offender fondles or performs oral sex on a sleeping victim”. Yes, that’s right; if DADT is rescinded, heterosexual soldiers won’t even be safe in their sleep. Teh Gayz are so craven, so desperate, so thoroughly devoid of decency and boundaries, that THEY WILL PREY ON SOLDIERS WHILE THEY SLEEP.

How desperate are the haters and the wingnuts? How hypocritical have the “family values Christians” become? How terrified must people like Peter Sprigg be of their own undoubtedly repressed sexuality? How invested in hatred and oppression have “Christians” like Sprigg and his ilk at the Family Research Council become? Enough to clearly demonstrate that they’re miserable excuses for human beings and embarrassments to their religion.

It’s time for this madness and oppression to stop. Homosexuals are no more, and probably less, likely to engage in any sort of aggressive sexual misconduct simply because of their minority status within the military. That Sprigg would craft a report designed to perpetuate hatred and discrimination could reasonably lead a reasonable person to ask just what it is that he’s so afraid of?

A majority of Americans are ready to end DADT. A majority of service members would be OK with the idea of serving with someone who’s self-identified as homosexual. It’s really only the rabid haters would still seem to be waging a savage rearguard action against the idea that the sexuality of an American serviceman or woman shouldn’t be a prime determining factor when evaluating their fitness to serve.

How many Arabic translators have we lost to DADT? How has this compromised the safety and security of the Homeland? We’ll never know, of course, but the War on Terror certainly hasn’t been made any easier by DADT. Even more deleterious to our safety and security has been the aggressive hatred directed at homosexuals by uber-Jesus-y “family values Christians”. Odd; I don’t recall being taught in Sunday School that hatred was a Christian value.


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