July 28, 2010 7:46 AM

If God's a Republican, can we blame him for Kansas??


(apologies to Keith Olbermann)

Joan Heffington

“The state of Kansas is operating under a dictatorial French law that the CIA helped establish here in the 1950s, Heffington said. ‘They needed a state where unsuspecting people could be treated like guinea pigs so they could try out their covert activities,’ she said.”…. “Heffington founded and is chief executive of an advocacy organization she named the Association for Honest Attorneys. The group’s website lists three board members: Heffington, director Cortland Berry and God, who is identified as ‘our most trustworthy board member.’”

Yeah…and you thought Texas was the most blindly uber-Jesus-y state in the Union…. As it turns, what Kansas lacks in sheer Texas-style craziness, it makes up in creative over-the-top religiosity. Jesus uber Alles, indeed, eh?? It seems that the Kansas Governor’s race is proving to be of particular interest, as the GOP primary is being contested between perennial uber-Christian Jesus-y veteran wingnut Sam Brownback and a relative newcomer in uber-Christian Jesus-y wingnut Joan Heffington. Brownback’s Christian bonafides are well-known, have long ago confirmed the suspicion of Fox Noise Channel that God is a Republican. Heffington, though, finds herself having to play catch-up, in that she finds herself having to demonstrate to good, God-fearing, White Kansas Christians that God does in fact speak through her. How is she going to go about proving that she’s Jesus-y enough for Kansas Republicans? Well, running a non-profit in which God is a board member would seem a pretty good start, eh?

Heffington knows that she’s going to need to do more to win over skeptical those Kansas Republicans who have been brainwashed into believing that Sam Brownback carries the imprimatur of the Almighty. That’s why her running mate, Pastor Mark Holick is heavily engaged in trying to convince anyone who will listen that Barack Obama is a committed Muslim and enemy of the state. For his next trick, Holick plans on demanding that killer whales who kill their trainers be stoned to death. Hey, if it’s good enough for the American Family Association….

If all this silliness wasn’t enough, there’s also the apparent reality that Heffington intends to defend the Constitution by violating the Constitution. What was it that Barry Goldwater once said?

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice”.

Uh, yeah…that’s it. So, dismantling the Constitution to defend the Constitution is no vice, eh? As long as the Constitution is being eviscerated by a Right-wing, uber Christian zealot, it’s all good. Any REAL Americans understands that God is a Conservative Republican…and Heffington is still pursuing that all-important endorsement from Repent Amarillo in order to really nail down the American Taliban vote.

You think I’m kidding? Check out Heffington’s “goals”:

Sadly, as too often happens with an uber-Jesus-y, holier-than-thou Republican, details tend to be overlooked. It’s got to be a real pain in the ass when details like…oh, I don’t know, the Constitution??…get in the way of a well-meaning Right-wing zealot’s agenda. For example, requiring that “that a Biblical and Constitutional reason exist for the passage of any new laws” completely overlooks the separation of Church and State. Then again, for Christian zealots like Heffington, the Church IS the State, so…problem solved, eh? What Would Jesus Do? Well, He’d start by repealing President Obama’s Socialist health care reform.

There’s also the little detail of “teaching of Christianity vs. evolution” in public schools being a terribly inconvenient reality, in that it constitutes the state-sanctioned promotion of Christianity. Then again, when you’re a Christian zealot like Heffington…oh, never mind…using public fund to bring children to Jesus is no vice.

And I’d really like to know what repealing the War Powers Act (a federal law) has to do with being Governor of Kansas. We elect Presidents and Congressman in part to lead in times of emergencies. Requiring a vote of the people anytime war comes into the public arena is a spectacularly bad idea given the amount of time it would take to plan and conduct a nationwide referendum. This is why they’re called “leaders”, Mrs. Heffington…and the War Powers Act is beyond your pay grade…unless a foreign power invades Kansas.

Don’t even get me started on “Stop fraud and corruption by overhauling our legal system, electing all judges and creating citizen review boards”. When judges are reduced to their continued employment being based on the whims of an all-too-often highly propagandized Sheeple, our legal system will lose any semblance of reason and impartiality.

Honestly, I wouldn’t vote for Joan Heffington to manage a Dairy Queen. Of course, I’m not a Christian, I wouldn’t vote Republican if you held a gun to my head, and I sure as Hell don’t live in Kansas. ‘Course, if those of you who do live in Kansas could see your way clear to vote for Heffington, you’re likely to get exactly the sort of leadership you deserve- if uber-Jesus-y zealotry and extraconstitutional shenanigans can even be called “leadership”.

Really…don’t ya’ll think Kansas deserves better than a Republican who would trash the Constitution in the name of protecting the Constitution?

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