September 4, 2010 5:55 AM

Doctor, could I have Bush Apology Syndrome??


(apologies to Keith Olbermann)

Mark McKinnon

All truth is simple… is that not doubly a lie?

  • Friedrich Nietzsche

It’s been said that Stalin’s USSR invented the concept of revisionist history. It didn’t, of course, but it did deal requently in rewritten history books, retouched and altered photographs, and revised official narratives. Of course, it was a lot easier to revise history during Stalin’s reign of terror. The State controlled information, television and radio were in their infancy, and da Interwebs were still decades away. Today, of course, there’s a record of EVERTHING…every photograph, every speech, every interview, every public utterance. Going back and revising history is not the simple, straightforward task that it was during Stalin’s time. Since a propagandist can’t simply erase the historical record, they’re forced to rely much more heavily on what Josef Goebbels called The Big Lie. This, of course, is the idea that any lie, talking point, of half-truth, if repeated often enough and with enough conviction, will eventually com to be accepted as the truth by an unthinking Sheeple.

Mark McKinnon isn’t the first former Bushie to attempt to revise history in an attempt to shine a positive light on his benefactor’s legacy. He may well, however, be guilty of the most egregious example of intellectual dishonesty from any former Bushie- no mean feat. In the same way that his hero and his neoConservative thugs cherry-picked intelligence to lie this country into a war in Iraq, McKinnon cherry-picks “evidence” for his argument. I’d deconstruct McKinnon’s lack of integrity and intellectual sloppiness, but Keith Olbermann has done the heavy lifting for me (and he has a research staff). A cursory analysis reveals McKinnon’s arguments to be laughable in their sophistry and obsequiousness. The only thing missing here is a pair of knee pads and a tube of AstroGlide. Good Lord, y’all…if you’re going to construct an argument out of lies, half-truths, and talking points…well, you really must be a dedicated Republican, eh?

How any person with even the barest shred of human decency and intellectual integrity could ignore the lies, propaganda, and almost 4,500 dead Americans is beyond me. That McKinnon seems to lack even the barest shred of decency and integrity should hardly come as a surprise. When you have no argument, lies, propaganda, and revisionist history are about all you really have to rely on. This is just about the most disgusting display of willful ignorance and revisionist history imaginable. What’s even worse is that the American Sheeple…Just. Don’t. Care.

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