September 8, 2010 6:35 AM

Yes, thank you; I'm aware of the risks of peeing into the wind

Democracy is not a spectator sport.

  • Arianna Huffington

Yesterday was probably the lowest I’ve felt in terms of what I do here, and I found myself thinking- hard- about what I do and why I do it. It’s tough when those I care about get on my case because of what I write and the opinions I express. I’ve found myself questioning what I’m doing and why I’m doing it, and considering whether it’s really worth it.

Why do I do this? Why do I continue to write about things I care about, sometimes with great passion and little apparent room for compromise? I keep coming back to the same answer- I do it because I care. I write about things that anger, interest, and fascinate me because they’re things that make me think and care…and that thinking and caring makes me feel alive and relevant. I write because I need the outlet, and this is how I’ve chosen to express myself. Having begin blessed with the ability to string together complete sentences in a reasonably coherent manner, I feel an obligation to use this gift. Honestly, I’d prefer to be getting paid to use my gift, but this ain’t such a bad gig, either…being that I’m judge, jury, executioner, AND editor. That’s the kind of control I’ve learned to enjoy over the past nine years.

I write because sometimes one person with a voice can be a very powerful thing. I harbor no illusion that anything I write will change or even materially alter the world, but I also can’t say with authority that it won’t. There are people out there (probably with WAY too much time on their hands) who legitimately enjoy reading what I write. They may not always agree with me, but that’s not really the point. I write because I want people to THINK. Even if a reader ends up coming to a conclusion diametrically opposed to my own, if I’ve prodded them to THINK…well, then I can die a happy boy. Too much public discourse is based on fear-mongering, ignorance, propaganda, and good ol’ garden variety prejudice. There’s far too little actual, honest-to-God thought taking place, and if I can contribute to stimulating thought…even by tinkering at the margins, I consider that a good thing.

The risk inherent in this, of course, is that I’ll aggravate, offend, or piss someone off. That’s certainly never my intent, but the good thing about that is that if you’re offended, at least you’re thinking. You may not be thinking well or extensively, but it’s a step in the right direction from my vantage point. Thought always trumps the alternative…if only because so little in the way of mental gymnastics seem to occur these days.

If you’re offended by something I’ve written, I have a very simple suggestion for you: go somewhere else. If your tender sensibilities are knocked askew by someone like me expressing opinions that don’t dovetail with yours, be aware that there are many other place on da Interwebs that will buttress your pre-conceived notions. I don’t expect anyone to agree with me, because I’m not writing with anyone else in mind. The opinions express here are mine and mine alone. This is my sandbox, and thus shall it ever be. You’re certainly welcome here, and I appreciate you for stopping by, but rest assured that I’m not going to change in order to gain your approval. Like it or not, these are my opinions. You don’t have to agree with me; all I really ask is that you think.

The power of one voice is often underestimated. I make no claim to having power or influence. It’s virtually guaranteed that nothing I write in this space will change anything…yet democracy begins with one voice. This blog may never amount to anything more than what it currently is. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that this will continue to be a place where I express myself. It may from time to time be a place where people take offense, but I’m OK with that. I don’t set out to offend, but I can’t control whether or if that actually happens. If it does, you might want to take a good look in the mirror and consider why you’ve chosen to be offended. After all, they’re just opinions…and we all know what opinions are like, don’t we?

Party on, Garth…. ;-)

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This page contains a single entry by Jack Cluth published on September 8, 2010 6:35 AM.

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