December 30, 2010 7:00 AM

And I suppose you have a better way to save Denmark??

Peter Skaarup, the foreign policy spokesman for the right-wing Party, wants to include shots of sunbathing women in a video that will be screened as part of an immigration test for potential citizens, a move he says would make hard-line Muslims reconsider their decision to move there…. “If you’re coming from a strict, religious society, that might make you stop and think, oh no, I don’t want to be a part of that,” Skaarup said.

We all want to be safe. We all want to live in a place free from terrorism and those who would bring terror to our doorstep. There are those who talk about taking bold action to thwart terrorism…and then there’s the Danish People’s Party, who think they might just have come up with the perfect way to keep potential radical jihadists from coming to Denmark in the first place.

It’s a theory as simple as it is…well, brilliant might be overstating it a wee bit…creative. All you have to do is to force potential Danish citizens to view a video of scantily clad (or completely unclad) Danish women. The theory, of course, is that since Conservative Muslims would be highly offended by so much uncamouflaged pulchritude, they’ll balk at moving to Denmark. Either that, or they’ll refuse to watch the video, which means that they can’t pass the Danish citizenship test. Problem solved, eh?

Really, though; it seems as if the Danish People’s Party is taking the easy way out. If they were serious, if they really wanted to ensure the success of the new citizenship test, they’d require all applicants to arrive at the testing site with their favorite pork dish.

There is one potential problems that the brainiacs at the Danish People’s Party might not have puzzled their way through, though. What about those who deliberately fail the test, in order to be able to see the video repeatedly? OK, so this idea is still in the formative stages, but you do have to admit the creative potential use of soft-corn to effect immigration control….

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