January 31, 2011 5:46 AM

Today's "WTF??" moment: what, no straws??

A Panama-based liquor company is producing whisky in a can. The company, Scottish Spirits, is the first to put straight whisky in a can, and it’s being promoted as an option for outdoor venues, as it’s light-weight and recyclable. Also because people at outdoor venues want to drink lots of whisky? Scottish Spirits suggests splitting it between three people, because it’s the size of a regular beer can. Seriously: it’s twelve ounces, or eight shots worth of whisky.

Yes, our world is desperately in need of innovation in so many ways. I’m just not sure that an aluminum 12-ounce can of Scotch is an innovation that the world is crying out for. Considering that a shot normally runs about an ounce, you’re talking about a can containing TWELVE SHOTS of whiskey. Perhaps it’s just me…but is that a DUI looking for a place to happen, or what??

Of course, I’m not really a Scotch drinker, but even if I was, I can’t imagine a circumstance in which I’d be wanting twelve shots, regardless of how bad my day had been. Then again, if you’re the sort of person for whom a drinking problem is no problem at all, perhaps twelve shots might be just what the doctor ordered. The manufacturer suggests splitting the 12 ounces amongst three people; let’s just hope that someone’s willing to be the designated driver. I’m sure as Hell not handing the car keys to anyone who has four shots of Scotch under their belt.

As if wrapping your head around the idea of a 12-ounce aluminum can of Scotch wasn’t enough of a challenge, the manufacturer also produces an alcohol-free whiskey designed to appeal to Muslims. Ugh…words fail me….

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