April 6, 2011 6:46 AM

Barack Obama: the ennui candidate for 2012

“How do we go from ‘Yes we can’ to ‘You know, whatever’?,” Stewart asked.

So President Obama is running for re-election? Not exactly breaking news, I suppose…but the news set me to wondering which version we’ll be getting in 2012. Will it be the “Change We Can Believe In” guy, who promised so much, but seems to have spent most of his prodigious energy caving to Republicans? Or will it be George W. Bush Light, who promised to close Guantanamo Bay but has since decided that he can’t trust our legal system to dispense justice to terrorism suspects?

I’ve also been turning over ideas for new campaign slogans, and while it’s been a tough slog, I do have one which I think sums things up very succinctly:


Let’s not pretend that the Presidential candidate we were sold is the President we got. I know that many of y’all are still holding onto Obama like a life preserver, hoping against hope that the next two years will vindicate your faith. I hope that time will prove you right. I’d like nothing better than to be proved wrong, but if past is prologue, we’re looking at two years of lofty rhetoric and somewhat less-than-lofty results.

Inquiring minds want to know: When will this President grow a pair?

Of course, I’d vote for a ham sandwich before I’d vote for a Republican, so if Obama is on the ticket there’s little doubt about who will be getting my vote in 2012. Sadly, it will be much more of a vote against the Republican candidate than for Barack Obama…and that’s something I NEVER thought I’d be entertaining four years after the hope, promise, and optimism of 1.20.09.

So, how did we go from “Yes, We Can” to “You know, whatever?”

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