May 24, 2011 7:04 AM

"How many more Gay People does God have to create...."

I can’t help but watching attempts by a self-righteous majority to legally carve out second-class status for a minority class with a mixture of sadness and bewilderment. I can understand not accepting homosexuality. I can understand viewing homosexuality as sinful and homosexuals as sinners. What I can’t understand is those same people feeling that their “superior” religious/moral viewpoint gives them the absolute right to change state constitutions into documents that declare homosexuals to be second-class citizens. I’m not at all certain that creating a class unworthy of the same rights that “real”, “normal” Americans enjoy can be considered a good thing…by any objective standard.

Same-sex marriage, at least from where I sit, is a very simple matter. What possible interest could the State have in denying marriage rights to a couple who love each other and want to make a lifetime commitment to one another? How does the State not benefit by allowing the creation of a stable unit based on love and commitment? How am I as an individual harmed if a Gay couple want to marry?

I see so many people so devoted to creating an America that hates and divides…and I have to wonder: what if that same energy could be used to solve the very real, pervasive problems we face today?

Here’s the real question: How many more Gay people does God have to create before we figure out that He wants them here?

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