November 10, 2011 5:52 AM

Lies, damned lies, and Conservatives learning lessons

Republicans across the country who embraced the most radical elements of both the Tea Party and social conservative wings of their party found themselves repudiated by voters eager for solutions that work for the 99 Percent too — be they workers, women, immigrants, or otherwise.

It’s time for me to employ (and enjoy) one of my favorite words- Schadenfruede. Normally, I’m not one to find comfort in the suffering of others, but when it comes to the GOP I’ll make an exception.

After riding into power and prominence just a year ago, Republicans and Social Conservatives assumed that they were Masters of the Universe and as such had been given carte blanche to force their narrow agenda upon the entire country. Thus, we were treated to John Kasich and Scott Walker stripping unions of collective bargaining rights and making it clear than in the new Conservative reality, public employees would dance to whatever tune was chosen by their Republican lords and masters.

We’ve also seen a number of states attempt an end run around Roe v. Wade, the worst example being Mississippi’s attempt to codify in statute law the belief that life begins when the man begins thinking about sex. Suddenly, it became clear that the idea was to get rid of the silly notion that women should be allowed to control their own bodies. No, women were to be rightfully redefined as sperm receptacles and the property of men.

Suddenly, “small government” Conservatives were putting the lie to the idea that they were in fact all about small government. In reality, they supported small government until and unless they could use the power of government to enforce their narrow, fear- and hatred-based agenda. Their philosophy can be boiled down to one simple sentence: government should get off the backs of the people- because it’s needed in the bedrooms of the people.

Tuesday’s election doesn’t represent the final, resounding defeat of hypocritical, self-righteous Conservatism. Not by a long shot. No, Conservatives will take some time to lick their wounds…and then they’ll evaluate how they can change tactics and deceive the American Sheeple into once again voting against their own interests. The fight never ends; it just continues to morph and evolve and adapt as Conservatives develop newer, better, and more efficient and effective ways to force their agenda down our throats. Same as it ever was.

You’ll have to pardon me if I engage in a wee bit of Schadenfreude. No, I’m not going to allow myself to become overconfident. Nonetheless, I see nothing wrong with enjoying the moment and relishing the thought of Conservatives collectively taking it in the shorts because they overplayed their hand.

This fight isn’t over. This victory isn’t permanent…but it is encouraging to know that organization, commitment, and superior ideas can defeat Conservative lies, propaganda, and corruption. Now the real fight begins….

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This page contains a single entry by Jack Cluth published on November 10, 2011 5:52 AM.

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