December 24, 2011 6:47 AM

Democracy in Wisconsin: What about the poor, impressionable children??

The angry communists of Wisconsin who are trying to recall Gov. Scott Walker have taken their puerile toilet humor all the way out to the rustic 4 Winds Motel — you know, the 4 Winds, right there on Highway BD north of Baraboo. That’s where the owner has put up a sign reading, “RECALL THE KOCH SUCKER NOW!” Good heavens. Some folks are apoplectic. The kids in the cars are going to see the signs, and they’ll want to know what Koch Sucking is. What are you supposed to tell them about Koch Sucking?

Never having been able to pass up a good penis joke myself, it was with some amusement that I ran across this story of one Wisconsin hotel owner’s public endorsement of the attempt to recall Gov. Scott Walker.

(All I really want for Christmas is to see Scott Walker…and the rest of the Republican Tea Party…fired and forced to walk in the shoes of the millions of unemployed Americans they despise and belittle.)

While good, God-fearing, patriotic Republican Wisconsinites are apoplectic over the double entendre, the sign is really an expression of the hotel owner’s 1st Amendment rights? Sure it’s tasteless, but then a good penis joke is by definition tasteless, no?

As for the children, perhaps those taking offense over the sign should be a bit more concerned about how they should explain what a corrupt despot Gov. Walker is, and how he’s sold the interests of Wisconsinites out to the Tea Party, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch Industries. Since being elected, Walker and Republicans in the Wisconsin Legislature have declared war on representative democracy, the poor, the middle class, and unions. Thankfully, Wisconsin law allows for a sitting Governor to be recalled. Those working to force a recall have to collect at least 540,000 valid signatures within 60 days. Thirty days in, and they’ve almost reached that goal.

Your days are numbered, Gov. Walker…

If you live in Wisconsin and you’re more offended by the sign at the 4 Winds Motel in Baraboo than what Scott Walker has done to your state, might I suggest that you really need to start paying attention…and lay off the tea?

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