July 16, 2012 6:43 AM

Mitt Romney 2012: Because race-baiting isn't for amateurs

Michael Tomasky on Mitt Romney the Race Baiter at the NAACP: If you think Romney was speaking to the NAACP audience in Houston, you clearly weren’t paying attention. Romney knows he stands no chance of prevailing among African-Americans. He was appealing to his White base and demonstrating to them that he’ll “stand up” to minority special interests groups and protect the interests of the White majority. NO MORE FREE STUFF!!!

Romney Invested Millions in Chinese Firm That Profited on US Outsourcing: Believe in America. Ship jobs overseas.

Video: Cheney fundraiser calls attention to Romney-Bush overlap: If you can look at Mitt Romney without seeing eight years of Bush/Cheney, you’re not paying attention.

Thank god for taxes: Despite Mitt Romney’s pandering to the Tea Party ignorami, police and firefighters are NOT overhead. Government is NOT the enemy. Who do you think will be demanding immediate action when all Hell breaks loose around them? Yep, the same tebaggers who despise public servants and yet think emergency services grow on trees.

The testimony Romney prefers to forget: Lying is a great strategy…until the truth catches up with you, as it inevitably will in the Internet Age. There’s this little thing called “the Google” that will eventually trip up those lacking in integrity…and Lord knows Romney wouldn’t recognize integrity if it showed up with a pair of knee pads and a tube of AstroGlide.

Romney: NAACP members want ‘free stuff’: And you thought what Romney said at the NAACP convention in Houston was an accurate reflection on his views of the African-American community? Yeah, right; all you had to do was wait a few hours until he was standing before a more friendly (and by friendly, I mean “White”) crowd at a fundraiser in Montana to learn what he really thinks of African-Americans.

Obama: Bain is fair game: If past is prologue, we can learn a lot about Mitt Romney from his tenure at Bain Capital…and it doesn’t paint a flattering portrait of the GOP standard-bearer.

Romney: I’ll be better than Ted for gay rights: That was when he was running for Governor in Massachusetts, when he had to run to the center. Now he’s running for President and needs to convince the Kill-‘Em-And-Grill-‘Em wing of the Republican Party that he’s one of them. Yes, Romney was for it before he was against it.

Turning the tax debate upside down: This is what happens when Democrats grow a pair and discover that they really can accurately attack Romney on taxes.

Krugman: I miss Bush’s ‘honesty’: No reasonable person would call George W. Bush “honest,” but compared to Mitt Romney, he’s the apotheosis and embodiment of personal integrity.

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