July 9, 2012 7:11 AM

Mitt Romney 2012: What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander...right??

Romney to stick with far-right agenda on immigration: And why not? In an election season where polling shows President Obama 40+ points up on Romney among Hispanics, why would Romney care about minorities? It’s not like they’re going to vote for him or donate money to his campaign.

Look, if Hispanics wanted to be represented, they’d do what good, God-fearing White American Patriots (“Conservatives”) do: donate large sums of money to the GOP. THEN perhaps their voices might be heard and their concerns addressed.

Romney, an Eye on Campaign, Plans a Trip to Israel: All aboard the Pander Express. Time for Romney to take his campaign of lies, propaganda, and dezinformatziya to the Holy Land.

There was no report at press time regarding whether or not Romney would be searching for his integrity at the Wailing Wall.

Christie: Fehrnstrom is not Romney: No, but he is one of Romney’s chief spokesbots, and therefore can be assumed to be speaking for the GOP nominee.

Bonus (sort of): Fehrnstrom is an even bigger liar than Romney. I hadn’t realized that was even possible.

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments: When Romney, his spokesbots, surrogates, apologists, and other assorted hangers-on begin calling President Obama the worst President EVER, please refer them here. No, Obama hasn’t walked on water like many Liberals hoped he would, but think about what an America under Sen. John McCain would look like today. America under Romney would be even worse.

Romney’s opaque finances: Perhaps he’s ashamed of what we might learn if we begin to understand where his billions have come from and at whose expense they were earned?

Evidently, Romney expects Americans to take him at his word that he’s a good guy and knows what’s best for America. That might be OK…except that Romney wouldn’t recognize honesty and integrity if they showed up on his campaign bus with a pair of kneepads and a tube of AstroGlide.

Where the Money Lives: Do we really need a President who’s all about tax shelters, outsourcing, and offshoring American jobs? If Mitt Romney does to America what Bain Capital did to many of the companies it took over, this country will be sold to China for parts by the end of his first term.

Christie: Romney will loosen up on the trail as time goes on: The GOP managed to nominate a standard-bearer who makes vanilla seem exotic and Al Gore look positively animated. Mitt Romney has the personality of a cardboard cut-out, the convictions of a weathervane, and the honesty and integrity of a con man.

Romney is what he is. To think a 65-year-old man is somehow going to change over the next few months seems ludicrous…a word which accurately sums up Romney’s campaign.

Disgraced Banker Backs Away From Mitt Romney. When dishonest people disavow you, you (if you possess any degree of self-awareness at all) have to know that you’re in big trouble.

Then again, self-awareness doesn’t appear to be one of Mitt Romney’s strengths.

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