October 23, 2012 5:43 AM

GOP 2012: Mean-spirited, hateful, intolerant...and evidently built to stay that way

To say that Bryan Fischer is furious about his failed appearance on CNN earlier this week where anchor Carol Costello threw him off the program would be a bit of an understatement, as yesterday he went off on an epic rant against the “gay gestapo,” saying that Costello’s refusal to allow him to spew his bigotry unchallenged on national television is exactly what “the gay gestapo looks like in action.”…. Fischer made multiple references to the “gay gestapo,” proclaiming that “the stormtroopers of the homosexual movement” and “the Nazis in the gay gestapo” will punish anyone who says that “homosexuality is immoral, it is unnatural, and it is unhealthy - that is a simple, straightforward statement of fact” because “it is a crime of blasphemy against the god of gayness”

Fischer: CNN is ‘What the Gay Gestapo Looks Like in Action’: No, this is what it looks like when a news outlet decides not to allow you to spew hatred and bigotry unchallenged. Bullies hate it when someone pushes back, eh?

GOP voter registration scandal grows more serious: When you know that the only way you can win is by cheating, your ideas suck.

GOP Congressman Admits Romney/Ryan Would ‘End Medicare As We Know It’: So, what’s next? Proposing that we set seniors adrift on ice floes??

Right Wing’s Benghazi Attack Falls Apart: Odd how the truth can do that, isn’t it??

Linda Harvey Marks ‘Spirit Day’ with Anti-Gay Tirade against Bullying-Prevention Efforts: Right; because when parents stop teaching children to hate, they might be…GASP!!!…nice to one another.

At Florida Fundraiser, Paul Ryan Mocks ‘War on Women’: Tone deaf, insensitive…and unlikely to change any time soon.

Romney’s dream of a post-Roe America: An America where men rule without question, and no woman makes a major life decision without getting the man in her life to sign off on it.

More Junk Science: GOP Congressman Says Abortion Is Never Necessary To Save A Woman’s Life: If you look in a dictionary for the definition of “empty suit,” you’ll find a picture of Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL), one of the Rabid Right’s sorriest excuses for a human being.

Schlafly: Senate Should Move to Expel Al Franken: Evidently, Sen. Franken, in Schlafly’s estimation, is guilty of the high crime and misdemeanor of- wait for it- supporting the radical concept of “one man, one vote.”

GOP Rep. Tells Employers To Intimidate Their Workers Into Voting For Romney: When Democrats do it, it’s the worst sort of immoral, felonious, and anti-democratic voter manipulation imaginable. When a Republican does it, it’s “voter education.”

Corsi: Obama Practicing ‘Taqiyya’ and Sending ‘Secret Communications’ to Muslims: Why Jerome Corsi isn’t in restraints and forcibly dosed with large quantities of Thorazine is beyond me.

Arizona GOP Senate Candidate Openly Hostile To Free School Lunch Program He Relied On As A Child: Because Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) lacks the self-awareness to recognize what an epic dick move this is.

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